Chill and laid back

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                      Restart by sofaygo
My name is Shakira. There's not nothing else interesting about me but I live with my sister she moved out at 17 since she wanted independence and was making her own money so she could definitely have it.

When she moved it was only me and my mom my dad died a long time ago when I was 7. He had got into sum shit and got shot. My mom was doing fine until she died of a heart attack and yep I was going to be placed into adoption but that all happened when I was 16.

Thank God my sister was 18 and was legal enough to take care of me ever since then I started living with my sister and that's about it.

I stopped reading and looked at my teacher he was staring at me while holding his glasses. "that was good Shakira but you can definitely apply yourself more, have a seat." I rolled my eyes and sat in my chair "I thought that shit was dope" Andre said holding his hand out.

I chuckled then dapped him up I decided I should actually pay attention to the class so I began to do that. Once class was over I grabbed all my stuff and put it in my book bag
Andre stopped and waited at the door until I was ready.

"Was it really good or was you just telling me anything" I chuckled "Nah I thought was good Ian say really good tho" I smacked my teeth then hit him in his arm as we walked to our lockers. "What you doing for ya birthday in a few months" I looked at him "absolutely nothing" I said putting my stuff in my locker.

"Why you gotta be so bluh" Andre said standing next to me "oh look there's Jackson" I said changing the subject. I walked up to Jackson and we hugged each other "what y'all up to" Andre looked at me "tryna see what this lame ass dude wanted to do for her bday but you know her" He chuckled I hit him again.

"Yea unfortunately I do know y'all wack asses" Jackson laughed. "Keep playin ima tell yo damn aunt" Andre said getting serious. Jackson and Andre are cousins second cousins but Jackson literally live around the corner from him so he was always overs Andres house.

Since he was always over Andre's house and I was always over there,we got to know each other. So I grew up with them both.

"Hello,Nigga you there" Andre said snapping in my face. "Y'all so damn annoying always bickering" I laughed the bell rung and I started walking to my class. "See you lunch time" I waved at them both and made my way to class
"Thank you all, and remember it's due Monday so please don't try to turn something in late" I grabbed my stuff and went back to my locker where I saw Tyler Jackson and Andre standing there Arguing about something.

"Hey" I said dryly while moving people away from my locker. "Wassup kid" Andre grabbed me and we walked towards the cafeteria and it was packed like usual. We all stood In line and talked till it was our turn to get food.

As we sat down girls were already getting up to come talk to Tyler Jackson and Andre mostly because they were famous but I mean I am too. Of course I'm not jealous I just think it's funny that they don't like me because I'm a girl.

"Andre when am I gettin my second chance" one of the girls said "Jackson you always with every girl I lowkey be getting sad" I chuckled he don't know the poor girl "soo Tecca what are you doing tomorrow" I laughed out loud but this time people could actually hear.

"Is there some type of problem" I wasn't finna bitch out so I spoke my mind "y'all just doing a lot" I chuckled "you must want one of them" one of the girls said

"them?" I said pointing to them the girls nodded "ion want nun of them" I laughed "damn fuck you too" Tyler laughed I rolled my eyes "ion got time for this, y'all have fun"

I waved at them and went to put my tray up. Damn I'm tired as hell. I grabbed my headphones out my pocket and sat in my next period classroom and listened to music with my head down.

"Come on get up" Mrs Gendias said forcing my head to come up "My bad Mrs G just a little tired" she nodded and began teaching.
The bell rung and it was finally time to leave. "Bout time" I mumbled to myself "you still mad at us?" Jackson said interrupting my thoughts "I was never mad at y'all" I laughed "told you" Andre nudged Jackson

"We ain't know if you was mad at us for not helping" Jackson said walking Next to me "I don't need y'all to fight battles that don't even take a lift of a finger to finish I was fine" Andre laughed

"Yeah now if they would've touched you that would've been they ass" Tyler joined in on our conversation "Andre can we play 2k or injustice today I feel like whooping yo ass" I laughed 

"Whooping me? Yea you definitely confused." We split up and put our stuff in our locker then met back up at the door." "Nigga yo ass is light work" I laughed again

"Bet how much we payin" "30" he looked at me with a worried stare "you scared"  I laughed

"bet we can definitely bet 30 but you better not start complaining when u get this ass whooping" he laughed and and Tyler joined in

"I'm sorry who won last weeks bet" I said holding my ear up to him "you" he rolled his eyes "exactly now shut up and take me home"  they dapped Tyler up and I hugged him

"See y'all Tomorrow" we waved bye and Andre started the car and start driving.

I'm tryna make it interesting the first chapter but this chapter is boring sorry I don't proof read so sorry for the mistakes.

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