Chapter 50 Meech

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                             Sofaygo two shellz

Tuesday June 27th

Erran's pov

"Ok this should be good" i said looking at the table with breakfast on it. I was preparing to tell Kira and Michael that I was pregnant but I wanted to do it a nice way. I've always told Kira that one of my dreams was to have two kids and now that I'm having one I couldn't be more happier in life and especially since I'm having it with the love of my life.

I went upstairs and woke Michael up. "Go downstairs for me real quick" I smiled at him, he squinted his eyes trying to adjust his eyes to the light. "Hey baby." He smiled I gave him a kiss and let him get up. "I made breakfast." I smiled, his eyes widened causing me to laugh.

He hugged me tightly and gave me another kiss. "Thank you mama" I nodded and he went downstairs, I quickly went to wake up Kira I knew all I had to say was food and her ass would get up quick.

"Kira." I shook her, "hm?" She mumbled while still asleep, "I made breakfast pookie." I said still shaking her. She quickly got up as expected and stretched. "Cause you're the best." She smiled and kissed my cheek, it honestly was like I already had a kid with her ass. She was a crybaby, stubborn, got mad when things ain't go her way and a fatty I basically already had a damn kid.

I went downstairs to join them and saw Michael with a big smile on his face as I came down. I gave him another kiss and we prayed. After we were done I let them eat a little bit before I shared the news.

"So you know Mike I've been feeling really sick lately and tired all the time." I said while eating some eggs. He nodded and looked at me, "I've been noticing that I've been getting bloated lately too." I smiled. "Me too." Kira said eating her food, I glared at her and continued speaking. "You fat too nigger." I rolled my eyes. "Anywho, I decided to ask Delaina for advice just to make sure I wasn't pregnant and she suggested a pregnancy test so I got seven." Michael choked on his food. "Damn seven." He said drinking his water.

"Yea I gotta be sure baby" I laughed, "but basically what I'm saying is I'm pregnant." I smiled and it was nothing but silence which made me nervous, "stop playing dude" Michael finished his food and grabbed my plate and Kira's.

"I'm serious I said bringing out the test." They both quickly got up and looked at all seven tests. "What!" Kira screamed. "Stop playing Erran" Michael said backing up. "I'm not baby it's real." I said getting emotional, "I swear to God Erran." He said with tears coming down his cheek.

"Ou but what?" Kira said calmer, "Bitch what!" She yelled again. I went up to Michael and grabbed his hand, he was shaking and crying. "You deadass ?" He questioned and I smiled. "As serious as i can get" I laughed while starting to cry.

He picked me up and hugged me tightly. Kira joined and started crying. "Bitch you're having a baby." She said happily in tears. I smiled and nodded hugging her. Michael started yelling and he ran upstairs immediately and then came back down. "I love you so much." He grabbed me again, he let go and kissed my stomach. "Love you with all my heart." He said crying and kissing all over me. He put his hands over his mouth in disbelief.

I'm glad they're excited cause I am too. I can't wait to bring my beautiful child into this world....

                                    Delaina's pov

I was planning with Tyson to have a going away party since Kira was leaving it was originally Erran's idea but since she found out she was pregnant she was gone be a little busy to do the planning so I took the job instead. There wasn't much to plan though I had the guest list.

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