Chapter 29 secrets unfold

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                             Sofaygo- Nakama

Friday May 20th

                                Erran's pov

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                                Erran's pov

Me and Michael cuddled up with each other as we watched wrong turn 4. The wrong turn movies were definitely one of my favorite scary movies and he knew that. As we ate popcorn and watched the movie I started to think about Kira and her getting accepted into UCLA she didn't even tell me she applied there then all of a sudden she's accepted?

I felt bad for the way I left last night. I gave her a hug and let her know how proud of her I was but I think she could tell I was a little sad. She's my baby and she's the only family I have, so to hear that she's moving away in a few months brings me pain.

I was definitely sad but also very proud and excited. All these different emotions started to pile up and I got overwhelmed which caused me to start crying.

"They killed the nigga and you wanna cry?" He laughed. He noticed I didn't respond so he lifted me up. "What's wrong beautiful?" He said looking me in my eyes.

"Nothing." I said he looked at me and I started to cry louder and harder. "Kira going to UCLA but then I found when she didn't tell me so I left when she's on sims and sad and she screamed and I got scared so I came here but I'm not mad at her I'm just sad for us because I wanna be pregnant with your kid but she we won't be here for the baby shower." I said while crying.

He looked at me and laughed. "What is you talking bout Erran?" He laughed, I took a deep breath and tried to explain it a little better.

"Kira got accepted into UCLA, but I just found out about her applying for it the same day I found out she got accepted. And I don't know I guess all the emotions are coming at me at once." I said wiping my tears.

He pulled me in for a hug and let me cry on him, I'm pretty sure he didn't know what to say so he felt as if it was better to say nothing and I respected it. It actually felt good to just cry and it gave me some time to think.

"I'm gonna go home and apologize to her for leaving like that, and then we gone go out to eat ok." "Ok" he replied back with a light smile. He wiped the rest of my tears and kissed me.

I got up and got ready and headed out.

"Kira you here?" I said coming through the door, she ran to me and started crying. "I'm so sorry for not telling you I just wanted to wait to tell you because I didn't wanna tell you and then come to find out I didn't even get accepted it would've been pointless."

She said crying "I won't keep anything else from you I swear, I love you so much." She said while squeezing me and crying on me. "I love you too." I said as I started to cry loud. We sat on the floor and poured our little hearts out. "Ima miss you." We both said crying real loud.

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