Chapter 22 ain't shit to talk about

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Sofaygo- go

Friday, May 13th

                              Kira's POV I have a bad feeling about not telling Andre about college, but honestly what would be the point I don't even know if I'll get accepted there's no guarantee that I will so I guess I'll just wait

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Kira's POV
I have a bad feeling about not telling Andre about college, but honestly what would be the point I don't even know if I'll get accepted there's no guarantee that I will so I guess I'll just wait.

As I got ready for school the whole thing sat on my mind. I got to the bathroom and got in the shower, once I was done I got ready and headed downstairs.

I didn't see Erran downstairs so I figured she had to work early or something. I made myself some cereal and ate while scrolling on tiktok.

After finished I got my stuff ready for school and made my way there.


"Ahhhhh bitchhhhh!" Delaina said running to me with her arms out. "Heyyy." I smiled giving her a hug. "Hoe yo ass been mia." She chuckled. "Yea I know my bad I've just been busy with certain shit that's all" I smiled.

We both walked to our class and sat down. I was a little late so everyone was already in class so I had to find a different seat than my normal.

As I got ready to sit down Andre eyed me and smiled. I sat behind him and started to text Delaina.

Bitch I got a lot of shit to tell
yo ass.

I looked at her as I waited for a response she saw the message and started typing.

My pooh♥️
Good cus I do too

I read it confusingly but shrugged it off.

Ok so we applied for some
colleges yesterday right

My pooh♥️
But there's one that's kinda far
from here rightt?

My pooh♥️

I still haven't told Dre...

"GIRL" Delaina yelled which caused all the attention on her and made me put my phone away. She hurried and closed all her tabs before the teacher came. He walked up to her with his hand out and she put her phone on her hand.

I was pretty much scared and embarrassed from there on out , even though no know knew what the fuck she was talking about, that didn't stop the fact that my heart was now in my feet.

For the rest of the school day I avoided her until school was over. Eventually we saw each other at our lockers so she came over to me.

"Bitch what the fuck you mean you still haven't told him?" She whispered to me as we walked out the doors. "It's nothing I promise, I'll get to it if I get accepted but I'm not going to get in anyways so there's nothing to worry about.

"Bitch the name is basically "smarts university" I have everything to worry about" she frowned. I hugged her and laughed. "Have you told Erran  yet?" She questioned. Just the thought of having to tell her about it makes me scared too.

"Welll not exactly no. BUT I will if I get accepted, which is basically what I wanted to tell you." She frowned. "Well that news compared to mine is great for you but bad for me. " she said which caused me to get confused.

"It can't be that bad." I chuckled while walking over to my car. "Take me to your house ima tell you there." She smiled. "What about your car?" I questioned. "In the shop so I rode with Delaine today." I shrugged and told her to get in.

Once we got to my house we went inside and went straight upstairs. Erran still wasn't home which was weird but I decided not to dwell on it.

"Sooo what's so important?" I asked while sitting on the bed. "Ok I'll tell you but you have to promise not to make that judgmental face you always make" She frowned. "What face?" I said confusingly. She mimicked my face and it made me laugh because she was accurate as hell.

"Alright I won't." She breathed in and then out and started speaking. "I'm fucking Tyson but it's more than fucking because I like him and he likes me and I'm thinking about breaking up with King for him because King is simply not for me but I don't know how to do so and I've been scared to tell anyone so you're the second person I've told I'm sorry I love you." She said in one breath.

I sat there trying to take everything she said in even though she said it fast as hell. "IM SO HAPPY FOR YOUUU!" I screamed. She looked confused as I got up and hugged her.

"I know what it's like to have a controlling, annoying, pretty boy like that. Trust me I know it's hell so I'm happy that you've found your person BUT, I'm mad that I'm second to knowwww." I said frowning.

"I know, I know and I'm sorry." She said embracing me. "And yes I've definitely found my perfect person we're just in a tough place because of me and King's whole relationship which sucks." She said frowning.

"Oh girl I'm sure you'll find a way to tell him don't worry y'all will be good I promise. She smiled and we hugged each other. "So what movie today?" I questioned, "Nightmare on elm street." She grinned. I turned on the tv and put the movie on.

It definitely felt great telling her everything and her telling me everything.

                                Tyler's POV"If you don't move man

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Tyler's POV
"If you don't move man." I laughed as Senia grabbed my shirt and put it behind her back.
"No not until you agree to stay one more day." She frowned. "Baby I can't plus Jack gone be on his way back anyways." She rolled her eyes and threw my shirt

I sucked my teeth and grabbed it to put it on. "Don't hit me with that attitude shit man." I said getting irritated she ignored me and got on her phone. I sucked my teeth again and pulled her by her legs.

"Tyler move!" She kinda yelled while laughing. I grabbed her and turned her around. "Calm yo tiny ass down." I kissed her while grabbing her waist. "You better come back boy." "I will I promise." We kisses for a little while longer and I got ready and left.

I can't tell Jackson I'm with his sister that nigga stated from day one to never fuck with her but the mind wants what it wants sorry.

Authors note
Heyyyy guysss I've been mia and I'm sorry for that I've just been dealing with my mental health so I haven't been on any social media's of mine but hope y'all like this chapter don't forget to vote always and thank you for the support.♥️♥️

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