7. bandaids

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Scarlette turned her seat towards her friend, Sook. "Please tell me you saw that slut over there flirting with Mr. Jeon?"

Sook looked up from her computer, still typing. "Saw? Her giggles were heard all the way from her desk."

"She's so annoying," Scarlette griped. "Someone needs to put her in her place... seriously."

"Right? She's not even all that good-looking," Sook whispered to Scarlette. "The only thing she has going for her is her ability to dress nice. Take that away and she's dammed."

"Just wait until she gets up, I'll have something for her." She forewarned.

"Wait, what are you gonna do? You know you can't make things a big deal, you'll get fired." Advised Sook.

"Yeah, that is if they found out it was me." Scarlette affirmed, watching Devora get up from her seat.

Sook chewed her inner cheek, watching as Scarlette lifted from her chair, heading to the water fountain that was placed on the opposite side of Devora's desk.

She served herself a cup of water, drinking some of it. Inconspicuously, she dipped her fingertips in the water, and flicked her hands, creating a puddle of water, rather distant from Devora's desk.

Scarlette made sure it was further from Hoseok's office, so they wouldn't hear or see Devora when she hit the ground.

If they did, why would anybody think it was set up? People drop water all the time, and there were lots of people in that office.

Returning to her seat, she acted as if nothing happened.

"What did you do?" Sook inquired, simmered by her co-worker's foolish efforts.

Scarlette shushed her, hearing the sounds of her heels clicking.

A smile slithered on her lips, serpent-like, practically at the edge of her seat watching as Devora flipped through the papers in her hands — failing to keep surveillance of what was below her.

The ends of her heels lost balance, stepping over the slippery water on the polished floor.

She slipped, falling onto the side of her body. All heads whipped, looking where the loud slam came from, the sound of papers flipping as they fell around her.

Some employee's stood up from their seats, trying to get a good look at what that sound was.

Scarlette turned over to Sook, a self-righteous grin wiped over her malevolent expression.

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