78. seeing you

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It had been a rough week for him.

He had insurmountable emotions about the breakup with Devora, and his decisions and wistful sentiments were indecipherable.

Some days, he put in painstaking and lamenting thoughts about how much he regretted ever letting go of her, however, on other days, he just didn't care.

Didn't care enough to put effort, and push himself like how he normally did.

Sometimes, he would miss her a little extra.

He would miss basking in her high spirits, simply hearing her voice before bed, dissipating in her warm caress.

Jungkook did so much to try and get her out of his head, cutting his hair — anything to get that dreadful dye out.

It was a reminder that she was still there, and as much as he wished he could hold onto it, he thought it was pathetic.

Jungkook broke things off with her, yet, he was still missing her.

It didn't make sense.

And now, after not speaking to her, he was going over Hobi's with the rest of the members.

Jungkook hadn't even spoken to Hobi after the incident — he just hoped their friendship was still repairable, he didn't want to lose him either.

He was thankful that Jimin understood him, and was by his side to support him and aid him with the sentiments he was faced with.

Not just Jimin, either, the rest of the members continuously checked on him, taking great care of their youngest.

They had nothing against Devora or Hoseok, and they understood the decisions that they made were for Hobi to have a better life.

Jungkook knew he couldn't stop by Devora's desk and have a heartwarming morning chat with her like how he used to.

He would probably only be receiving a typical good morning, and a lethargic grin to tie it all together.

He strolled behind the rest of the members as always, sticking behind, following them as they made the path to Hoseok's office.

Much to Jungkook's surprise, Devora wasn't at her desk that morning.

His eyebrows lifted, getting closer to her desk, eyes investigating her workspace, butting into every corner that he shouldn't have been looking into.

His eyes encountered a massive bouquet of crimson burgeoning roses that sat on one corner of the floor. That's when he felt his heart sink into a puddle of stupor and perplexity.

The plethora of questions that were rambling in his mind were all being left unanswered, but it only made them louder. Shouting in his ear, forcefully trying to wrap his head around the thought of who would go and buy her those.

'That's literally none of my business. What the fuck am I talking about?' His eyes shut, trying to capture his lost equilibrium, resuming his walk.

He shouldn't care if Devora was talking to someone else, because she wasn't his anymore.

Yet, to come to terms with that truly pained him the most.

Opening unhealed wounds in his heart that he believed he patched up.

He sat in his usual seat inside Hoseok's office, most of the members chatting with one another before starting their meeting.

Jungkook tapped his fingers against his leg, thumping his foot against the pristine floors, unable to sit still, anxiously waiting on. the edge of his seat for their meeting to start.

Who exactly were they waiting for, anyway?

Everybody was there.

Nobody else needed to be present for their meeting.

Jungkook asked himself these questions, putting his fingertips up to his lips, searching the room to keep his mind occupied.

It wasn't until Hobi got up out of his seat and walked to the entrance of the room, opening the closed door and holding it for Devora to enter with numerous cups in her hands and arms.

Jungkook averted his eyes, desperately trying to look at anything else but the woman who just walked in.

"Here, let me help you with those, Devora." Jin kindly suggested, as he usually would, taking anything that his larger hands can carry.

"Thank you, Jin, they're all the same." She told him with a grateful smile. "Except for Taehyung, he has the hot chocolate." Raising her left hand, holding Tae's drink.

In some aspects, Jungkook was pleased that it was Jin who had his coffee, and it wasn't Devora who would have to awkwardly interact with him.

In other aspects, he actually wanted to interact with her, to get it out of the way.

It was what the other members were waiting for, too. Jungkook could see the anticipation molded on their faces.

Hell, he could taste it, as it was practically tangible.

After passing out all the drinks to the members, Devora stopped by Hobi's desk.

"Did you need me here to take any notes?" A predictable question she asked anytime he had a meeting.

He shook his head. "No, you don't need to take any notes today, don't worry about it."

Jungkook tried not to eavesdrop, but he couldn't help it.

He heard Devora's voice suddenly grow much quieter. "Oh, we're still having dinner together, right Hobi?"

His head jostled back in disbelief. 'Hobi? Since when did she call him Hobi?' Intertwining his fingers above the table, ticking his head to the side.

"Of course, later tonight, as I promised." Hobi responded, seemingly elated about their planned dinner.

Jungkook's shoulders tentatively withered.

He knew he shouldn't be troubled over that, Devora needed somebody with her.

It would be dangerous for her if she was consistently alone, and didn't have somebody to talk to.

Jungkook had no other choice but to be appreciative of the fact that she had somebody like Hoseok.

No other person could endow someone with contentment and cheer like the way Hobi did.

Jungkook sipped his coffee, the thought of her bouquet of flowers pictured in his mind.

Was Hoseok the one who got her those?

For some strange reason, he highly doubted it was Hobi who gifted her those.

They had to be from somebody else.

His stomach twisted in multiple knots, contorted as he considered it.

It gave him a strange feeling, chills running up his back the more he sat in pensive thinking.

A hand was established on his shoulder, causing his reflection's to intersperse, as he crash landed with reality.

He looked over his left shoulder, seeing Jimin sitting there with a half-smile wafted onto his warm expression.

Right, why should he be thinking about that?

He should be taking care of himself. He should be taking care of the ones who were still involved in his life.


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