67. played fiance

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After the two had finished up breakfast, Jungkook offered to clean up his mess and wash the dishes he dirtied while cooking. But, Devora assured him that she would be tending to all the cleaning once he left.

Sadly, he had to be home earlier that Saturday morning, being that he would spend some time with his family.

Albeit Devora wanted him to stay a bit longer, she understood that he should be with his family for once. Actually, it brought her to want to set up plans with her parents as well.

It would be nice, considering she hadn't seen them for some time.

"Are you sure you want to wash the dishes?" Jungkook questioned, turning to face Devora with his back at the front door.

She stepped to him, eyes up with her arms crossed over her chest. "It's fine Jk, you already did enough for me, I'll clean up the mess."

"It doesn't matter how much I've done for you," His eyes wandered to the kitchen. "I just wanna make sure you'll be okay... plus I'm kinda stalling to leave right now." He sheepishly chuckled.

His charming snickers brightened her soul, reminding her just how much she was going to miss him once he left.

Flowers blossomed from how lively her spirit was when Jungkook was around.

Once he left, she was deserted with the mere vestige of his warmth, and compassion.

The stem of the prospered flowers weakened, inundated by sorrow from how much she yearned for him.

"I don't want you to leave either." Her hands trailed up to his biceps, tightly holding onto him as if she would fall if he weren't there. "But I don't want to take you away from your family either."

He held onto her shoulders, his wholesome appealing eyes reaching right into her soul.

"You are not taking me away from my family," Jungkook reassured her, his large hand cupping her smooth cheek. "We can do something tomorrow, just us two."

She found pleasure at that, already looking forward to their early plans.

Devora reached on her toes, burying a kiss on his cheek.

"Please drive safe, and thank you for everything." Embracing him, mining her face in his shoulder and neck.

"Devora, you don't have to thank me, I'm just happy that I was able to help you." He let go of her, keeping his hand on her shoulder. "Please call me if you start to feel uncomfortable, or you know."

He referred to her paranoia, and umbrae of anxiety.

She nodded, watching him with a sullen frown as he turned around and unlocked the door, stepping outside into the ardent morning sunshine.

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