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Devora had no clue how long she would be staying over at Jungkook's apartment, so, she attempted to pack wisely, loading at least three pairs of everything. Including a towel, toothbrush, and other bathroom essentials she would need.

Though Jungkook said he would be assisting her in packing, she did not want him going through her drawers and picking out clothes she would be wearing at his place.

And, of course, as soon as they arrived at his place, she triple-checked her bag to make sure she had everything she needed.

"You wanna put your things in my room?" Jungkook interrupted the search she did on his couch.

She zipped the bag, satisfied with her belongings. "Uhh yeah, that would be great."

His head ticked to the side, prompting her to follow him into the hallway.

Devora had been in his room just a handful of times, counting the night before, when she slept in his bed.

The other times she stepped into his room were from days they had spent as a couple

When she had dyed his ends a turquoise blue, that same day when she tried to run away from him after she hit him with a rag.

She grinned at that memory, remembering the times they had teased one another, and all the times he prevailed in those happenings.

Except for once, when she dropped him during their boxing match.

How entertaining that was.

Her thoughts were put on hold when Jungkook opened the door to his bedroom that was right at the end of the hallway.

It was bigger than she remembered. Devora never had to opportunity to look around and assess all his belongings.

The bed was vertically pushed against one corner of his room, a mattress that looked to hold more than two sleeping people.

She wondered why any single person living alone would want a bed bigger than a full, or a twin.

She decided not to question it.

Maybe he enjoyed his space?

'Or... he has chicks over.' Her impulsive mind thought freely.

That thought made her face crease in revulsion, cheeks notably glowing red like a flame in a dark alley.

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