17. settle the bet

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It had been the weekend that passed after Devora tagged along with the boys to the bar. Her short two days off had drifted off quickly, giving her almost no preparation to unwind before the fashion show that would happen in the weeks to come.

The style of her sketch barely donned on her that Monday morning while getting ready for work. If Devora was being completely honest, she had no clue how the crowd would take it.

Hoseok had always owned specific designs, meaning hers would stick out like a sore thumb.

She was now just having these ambiguous conceptions.

What if no one liked her sketch?

Which seemed ridiculous.

If The Jung Hoseok favored her design, it was no doubt that many other people would as well. Whether it be because they genuinely liked it, or pretending to admire it because Hobi did.

The others hadn't even seen her work yet, it was only Hobi who had examined the dress.

It was too late for her to have all these pessimistic viewpoints.

Too early in the week, as well.

Her nails prattled against the large office printer, idling for her papers to be spat out.

She looked down at her hands, yearning for the feeling of having acrylics again. Devora had decided to take them off when her slip had occurred, one of them came out chipped, and another was loose — she didn't see a point in keeping the set if one would be missing.

Devora sighed, humiliation wavered over her shoulders, recalling the time she fell in front of the entire office.

Heavy footsteps sounded from behind her, coming from the hallway.

"Dev," A familiar voice called for her.

Devora turned her head, seeing that it was Boseong.

"Hey, how was it being at the bar with all those guys?" He asked, genuinely inquisitive as always.

His cheekbones were outlined so precisely, that they almost appeared to be sunken in with such structure. His deepened cheeks made his cheekbones and jaw pop a bit, jawline cutting at the edges.

His unexpected appearance had her melancholy expression contaminated with innate buoyancy.

"Boseong!" She exclaimed, fully turning her frame to him. "It's a long story, I mean overall it was fine, just a tiny bit of drama. Y'know." Devora admitted, hearing the chime of the printer telling her it was time to pick up the warm, freshly printed papers.

Boseong's interest peaked, ears ready to hear her story. "Ooh! Tell me all about it!"

Devora's neck craned to get a look at the clock, frowning. "Hmm, I'm not too sure I'm gonna have time to explain fully." She sulked. "I have to join Hoseok for a meeting soon, but can I tell you during our lunch break?"

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