73. the wilted flower

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Jungkook sighed, the silence lying between them visibly pulling at his patience.

He wanted to say so much.

But, most things that desired to roll off his tongue were destructive. They were merely antagonizing suspicions that went through his head.

Doubts about their relationship. Doubts that the bond they took time to construct was decaying, right in front of his eyes. He felt so out of touch — unable to get a tight grip on their departing souls.

Devora took such shrewd measures when it came to exhibiting physical parts of herself that she had never shown anybody before.

Jungkook was completely okay with that, with the logic of her wanting to be comfortable first before presenting that vulnerable part of her.

But, she was just wearing shorts right in front of Hoseok.

They were so comfortable with one another in the span of two days he had stayed over.

What the hell did that mean? It made him question their bond even more.

Devora noticed that Jungkook's pitch-black eyes didn't bear that innocent sheen that they normally harbored.

She could see he was conflicted.

See that he was drowning in a massive collection of his own worries and distrust.

Her lips trembled apart, ready to say something. Anything to him.

But, he didn't let her.

He quelled her words before she ever obtained the opportunity to speak.

"What exactly does our relationship mean to you?"

His expression was bleak, speech sharp, mandating an answer from her.

She stammered, the sound of her beating heart pounding against her ears like a deafening ticking clock.

"Our relationship means everything to me, Jungkook." Her lips tried a half-smile, looking him in his eyes.

His head tilted like a lost puppy. "Everything?" He scoffed, her untold truths brought a seething fume to his chest. "Okay, am I a joke to you or something? I thought you and I had had something, clearly not."

"Woah, wait-"

Jungkook interrupted her. "I thought we didn't keep things from each other." His tone marched powerfully as it trampled her soft-spoken voice.

"What are you talking about? You are not a joke to me." She tackled his sentiments first, unable to keep up with the presumptions he spat out so brutally.

"Hobi, the fake fiance. I thought you loved me, so then why do I hear that you're engaged to my best friend?" His hand pressed against his chest, insulted. "I looked like such a dumbass when you walked inside holding on to him."

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