62. at fault

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"He's mad at me, isn't he?" Devora mumbled to Jimin, who was walking her to the passenger side of the Benz.

He kept his arm securely over her back, shaking his head. "No, no he's not. It's okay." His smile went unfeigned, doing a wondrous job in attempting to keep Devora calm.

She sighed, hearing the car doors unlock from the keys that Jimin had.

"Are you sure?" She looked back at the guys. "He yelled at me. He's never done that before." Following behind Jimin when he grabbed her hand, trying to get her into the passenger seat.

"I don't want him to be mad at me. Did I do something bad?" Stepping into the car, sitting comfortably. "I don't think I did, right?" She turned over to an overly patient Jimin, a recoiled expression on his strained features.

He placed his hand above her shoulder, trying to ground her soaring apprehensions. "Hey! It's fine. You guys are okay, alright?"

Devora sat in place, averting eye contact. "A-alright." Her words rasped against her now parched throat.

It was hard to maintain herself when she had all these vehement emotions running through her mind.

Did she want to laugh, or cry?

Or did she just want to tell Jungkook off for screaming at her?

No, she could never resent him.

Jimin fumbled with the seat belt, the metal part clanking against the side of the car's interior as he tugged it over Devora's sitting body.

"I don't like being yelled at." She murmured, her hands up until she heard the belt buckle in place. "It makes my chest feel tight. It hurts." Her hand went over her heart, massaging it with tautened and ambivalent eyes.

Jimin grumbled, exhaling through wet lips as he stepped aside, standing by the doorway with his hands on his hips.

"Is everything okay?" Taehyung came back around after he had stopped behind a car to watch the entire situation settle from afar. "Devora, are you okay?"

She opened her mouth to say something, but Jimin responded for her.

"Yes, she's just shaken up. But, she'll be okay." He rubbed his forehead, shaking his head.

"Hey, Namjoon is taking care of things. All the hyungs are making sure he's okay. So, don't be scared." Taehyung did his best to comfort her, sporting a charming boxy smile. 

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