70. unpleasant conversations

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Jin choked on his water, coughing, and clearing his throat in an exaggerated manner when he decried Devora hand in hand with Hoseok.

Namjoon imperceptibly patted his back, turning his head to him and asking if he was alright, but the profound stupefaction in Joon's plunging coffee eyes never ceased to exist.

All their eyes were distended with jarring confusion, astonishment was perpetual and even percolated through the stunning garden.

They glanced over each other as if they were scanning one another's perceptions, asking the exact questions.

Jimin looked over at Jungkook, then back at Devora, straining his racing mind to try and figure out what the hell happened in the two days since they had last seen each other.

The boy with round plump lips supposed Devora and Jungkook had broken up.

He was going to close the case, figured there was no more than a break up to it.

However, when Jimin saw the look of a vigorous affront in Jungkook's eyes, he was immediately able to assess the situation. Grasping the fact that they were not broken up, and they were plausibly still together.

It was the look of envy and wounded sentiments all melded into one expression. Integrated into two eyes of a soul who believed he was special enough to receive sole treatment at the exclusive hands of Devora.

However, by the looks of it, Hobi received special treatment from Devora as well.

Jungkook wasn't the only one who was able to hold Devora a certain way.

Jimin sucked in his lower lip, taking note of what an amazing job Jungkook did when it came to concealing his emotions from Hoseok's family.

You truly had to know him in order to read him.

So then that left one single enigma stranded, wandering within Jimin's hazy and painstaking mind.

Why were Devora and Hoseok together?

"It's so nice to meet you, Mr. Jung." Devora expressed mindfully, bowing at a slight angle to submit her reverence to him.

Hoseok helped Devora step up to the wooden deck, cognizant that she was wearing heels, holding firmly onto her hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you..." Insisting that he wanted to know her name.

"Oh, Devora. My name is Devora." Nodding with a luminous smile adhered to her countenance.

"Devora? That's such a pretty name!" A younger woman appeared beside Hoseok's father.

Her cheekbones were whittled to perfection, nose slim and fitting for her structured cheeks.

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