22. plans to forget

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Devora could say that all was well, filling out necessary measurements for her dress was no big deal.

Staying later hours at work to assist Hoseok and his design team was manageable — when drowning in a coffee with triple shots — however she knew she had no room to protest.

They were doing it for her, and if they had to push through it then that means she had to as well.

One thing she kept reminding herself was that she wasn't going to be a pessimist with the outcome of the dress.

Among all the work they were putting into the design, it started to look the same way in which she envisioned it.

Things were coming together as the show neared, Devora would even take the time to practice the walk she would be doing down the runway.

She would practice at her mother's house to get some advice from somebody other than herself. Devora didn't want to screw anything up, she knew just how influential this was to Hoseok and the other members.

They prepared months before the date of the show was even set, it was something they each took some enjoyment in, — they all got the benefits of what it means to hold a show there.

But, Devora knew that wasn't the only reason why they enjoyed it so much.

The fact that they were able to meet up every day of the week had something to do with it, they were like best friends.

Practically brothers.

It never failed to surprise Devora when she remembered how many years they had known each other.

Normally, after about a year or two, some friendships break off. It isn't always over hard feelings, sometimes connections drifted off because it was part of life.

Everything has an end.

But, not with them.

Even Devora took pleasure in seeing the guys at work, too. They had a way of being able to uplift her spirits. They carried such a blissful characteristic that was overt to anyone with eyes.

Anytime she thought of the other members, he would take up the topic in her cloudy mind, thinking about that charming aura he invariably displayed whenever he stepped into the office.

The seraphic features on his blushing cheeks matching his effervescent personality. Reminiscing of his unforgettable qualities left her spirits perforated with anguish.

Devora wished she didn't take his absence so personal, she was certain that he wasn't in the same state of confusion that she was in.

Judging by the last time she saw him, it was obvious that he didn't want anything to do with her, as if his mind was made up and there were no wistful doubts behind his intellect.

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