Chapter 122: All Those Fairytales are Full of Shit

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Chapter 122: All Those Fairytales are Full of Shit

Peter threw the circlet from his head. The woven crystal smashed. But it did not break.

A wave of people followed with Headmaster Mickey and Admiral Triton in the lead. Headmaster Mickey paused for a disapproving look at Peter before closing the castle doors. Then, ushering aside King Arthur, Master Merlin, Mistress Minnie, Captain Amelia, and Cobra Bubbles, he turned to the four chosen guardians.

But Peter drew first.

"What is this!?"

Headmaster Mickey straightened. Peter was red hot and out for blood. Calmly, Headmaster Mickey raised his hands. "Peter - "

"What the Hell -?" Peter yelled, turning to King Arthur and pointing to the shiny circlet on the floor. "- is this?!"

King Arthur opened his mouth. He looked bewildered. "I -" he floundered before Headmaster Mickey or Merlin could interject. "I...I think...You're guardians."

Peter's ears burned. "That's not true! It can't be true!" He rounded on Headmaster Mickey. "Is that true?"

Headmaster Mickey glanced at Merlin. Then he turned to the chosen four, all with shimmering circlets - save for Peter - on their brows.

"Four seasons turn, all are cursed." Headmaster Mickey closed his eyes. "Yup. It is true. You, Mr. Hawkins, Miss. Triton, and Miss Darling...are the guardians of Fantasia."

Peter stared. He staggered. He looked at Wendy.

And then he exploded.


Wendy rushed forward. Jim held her back. "Wait. Pan - "

"WHY?" Peter struck the wall. His voice was pitched and desperate. "Why us? WHY US? Why are you doing this to us?!"

"Pan!" Jim took Peter's shoulder. "Pan stop screaming!"

"I can scream!" Peter thrashed. "I can scream as Hell loud as I want to - "

"Shut up! You're upsetting the girls!"

Peter glanced wildly to Wendy. She was clutching Ariel's hand. Her eyes shown against a heart-shaped circlet. Peter jumped, suddenly overcome with the urge to tear it off. Jim caught him underarm and pushed back.

"Pan stop!" Jim wrestled with Peter. He felt his own circlet - braided silver - cutting against his forehead. "You're overreacting! The star! The Wishing Star! Pan, it can choose again! It can choose - "

"Can't you see! Can't you see what they're doing to us? Four seasons turn, all are cursed? Hook was right - the stupid prophecy was talking about us! Four seasons! Think of our birthdays - Me Spring, You Winter, Ariel Summer, and Wendy Fall!"

"And this -" Peter yelled. "- this is our curse! You heard them! Guardians live in separate realms! Forever! Forever! Do you know what that means?"

Peter shoved. Fireworks popped against the window, catching Peter's anger. "It means never, no more, nothing! It means no more high school! It means no more being a kid! It means no more brothers, or sisters, or mothers, or fathers! It means no more friends! It means no more family! No more chances! No more futures!"

Livid with accusations, Peter turned. He looked straight at Wendy.

"It means goodbye! And goodbye means going away! And going away means forgetting! Forever! Well - I won't have it!"

Peter grabbed Wendy's hand. "Come on!"

"Peter!" The masters and adults protested. But Peter - assisted by his shadow - shoved through them. Pulling Wendy, he flew across the hallway.

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