Chapter 69: Maleficent

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Chapter 69: Maleficent

Icy wind demolished the dance. Frost bit through the instruments, gnawing the beautiful music to pieces. Students were ripped from one another as the doors slammed shut, tables overturned, glass flutes shattered, and decorations froze.

Headmaster Mickey struggled upright. Robes swirling, he shielded Mistress Minnie from the frost.

Suddenly, the wind died.

Green flames prickled in the center of the room. Reflecting the sickening glow, Headmaster Mickey's eyes widened as the flames convolved. Twisting into a spire, the flames blackened.

And from the blackness, a woman formed.

A horned woman with evil, incandescent eyes.

Headmaster Mickey's heart stopped as Mistress Minnie spoke in a shivering voice.


Maleficent smiled, devouring the stunned students in a single gaze.

"Take them." she said.

Sporadic chaos arose. Within the audience, students suddenly turned to attack their classmates.

At first the attack seemed random. But quickly, it became apparent that Maleficent had executed a predetermined plan. Students with scarred hands captured those posing the most threat.

Gaston attacked Peter, pinning him to the ground. Hans attacked Elsa, twisting her icy hands. Kay attacked Adam, suppressing his beastly transformation with a deadly blow. Clayton attacked Mulan, squishing Mushu under his foot. Helga attacked Ariel, scratching sharp nails across her cheek. Drizella and Anastasia attacked Merida, threatening her life if Robin Hood took another step. Facilier attacked Jim, while his shadow left Hercules undone. Lana attacked Wendy, knocking her purse and Peter's shadow to the ground.

All students were attacked, corralled, and held in bondage by their peers – each one with a red scar across his or her hand.

Maleficent smiled. Regally, she lifted a hand as Diablo sliced through the balcony window. Eyes ahead, she strolled through the students, looking at the headmaster.

It was a perfect surprise. Flawless. The ambush overpowered the students using a single weapon: confusion.

Only one small commotion paused the horned witch's advance. Maleficent watched as Wart seized Kay's arm, protecting Alice from harm. Amused, she waited as Kay took Wart by the hair and slammed his skull against the floor.

Alice screamed. She ran forward into LeFou's arms, reaching for Wart.

Wart didn't move.

Delightedly, Maleficent resumed. Stepping over Wart and sweeping his pale face with her black robes, Maleficent grinned hugely at Headmaster Mickey.

The echo of a serpent silenced the night as Maleficent struck her staff upon the ground.

"Well, well."

Maleficent peered at Headmaster Mickey. Her eyes gleamed.

"Quite a glittering assemblage...Ki...oh..." Maleficent sweetened her voice. "...dear me. What an awkward situation. What is it you go by these days?"

"Headmaster." Mickey bolstered to his full height. "Headmaster Mickey."

"Headmaster?" Maleficent angled an eyebrow. Smiling, she stroked Diablo. "How quaint."

"What do you want, Maleficent?" Mistress Minnie demanded, squeezing the headmaster's hand. "You're not welcome here!"

Maleficent's eyes gleamed like lava. "I see you have kept the riff raff...Headmaster. Along with..." Maleficent's eyes slanted towards Goofy, Donald, Pluto, and Merlin "...the undesirables."

Mistress Minnie's tail curled angrily. It took Goofy, Donald, and Mickey to hold her back.

"Don't! No spells!" Restraining Minnie, Headmaster Mickey held a hand to Merlin. Urgently, he nodded at the witch. "She might hurt the students!"

Unthreatened, Maleficent turned about her staff.

"Not welcome, you say? Well...I really felt quite distressed of not receiving an invitation. Especially with such distinguishable...guests."

Imperially, Maleficent strode to the nearest students. "Who have we here? Ah, yes..."

Extending a finger, she traced Elsa's cheek. "The Snow Queen...I've heard chilling stories of you. We are very much alike, my dear."

Maleficent turned, visiting each student as she spoke. "Who else?...ah. The girl warrior...the fox with the golden arrow...the girl with the elixir hair...the boy with the Genie...the boy who can fly...the mermaid without a tail...the incy wincy shadow worker...and...ah yes..."

Maleficent paused. She gazed at Jim. Condescendingly, she ran a hand through his hair. "The cyborg's pet."

Jim's blood froze under the witch's caress. Wendy struggled against Lana. Ariel shouted through Helga's hand. Merlin and Headmaster Mickey took one step.

Suddenly, Maleficent's smile disappeared.

"Listen well!" She cried, striking down her staff in a viperous plea. "All of you!"

Venomously, Maleficent turned to Headmaster Mickey as Diablo spiraled into the sky. "This castle is blessed by your filthy magic – thus, my time here wanes. The Wishing Star is unbroken, but my evil still prevails."

Maleficent pointed one long finger, commanding the Wishing Star to shine. "We are summoned. And we are strong. We have spies in your school and in the village! And while you and your pathetic, little students have gluttoned on music and glee, we have attacked. Every house...every home...we have attacked."

Headmaster Mickey lifted a hand from where it rest on Wart's head. Suddenly wary, he beseeched Maleficent with dawning horror.

"What have you done?"

Maleficent met Mickey's eyes.

"You have three days, Headmaster." Maleficent said, raising her staff to summon green flames. "And if by sunset on the third day the Chosen One is not surrendered unto me...the parents, the families, everyone your students left at home..."

Maleficent cracked her staff upon the ground. "...will die!"

Lightning struck. The green flames roared, crackling like thorns and dancing with Maleficent's laughter as she, and the scarred students, vanished into the night.


Then, the students all remembered someone they loved that had promised to be home when they returned from the dance.

Headmaster Mickey shot to his feet. Panicked, he raised both hands to hold the students back. "Wait—!"

But the headmaster was too late.

Devoured by fear, the students screamed for the exit, praying that Maleficent's evil had not entered their homes.

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