Chapter 87: Tale as Old as Time

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Chapter 87: Tale as Old as Time

Wendy slammed onto her back.

She pushed up. But Peter shoved her back down.

"Don't!" Wendy reached against Peter as he pulled the trap door shut. "Don't! I'm not leaving Jim! He may be still down there! Don't close the – "


"How dare you!"

The trap door fell, slamming against the threshold of the Underworld.

Enraged, Wendy darted for the trapdoor handle. Anticipating the move, Peter slammed his foot down. Again, the door slammed.

"That's enough!" Still holding the handle, Wendy pushed Peter's knee. "Get off! I am going back for Jim and you can't stop me! Oh! Oh!—Peter!"

Shaking his head, Peter took Wendy's wrists. Businesslike, he crouched, slung her over his shoulder, and flew away from the trapdoor.

"Peter!" Wendy kicked. Twisting, she pried at his elbow. It stuck like a rusty joint. Infuriated, she switched to threats. "Let me go! Let me go! Ohhhhh if you had your shadow I'd –"


"—I'd take! I'd take it right off your –"

"Shhh! Quiet Wendy!"

Peter dropped. Hitting the floor, he gathered Wendy quite nimbly despite the speed she lurched off his shoulder. So concentrated was Peter on the perceived danger, Wendy nearly escaped.

"Hey!" Peter hissed. Zipping up, he grabbed her arm. "Quiet! There's someone ahead!"

Wendy flinched as he squeezed the bruises left by her father. Disregarding his concern, she batted away Peter's hand. "I don't care! I don't care if you – mwmnwhm!"

"Quiet!" Hand covering Wendy's mouth, he lowered to the ground. Wendy struggled for a moment, but calmed as she noticed their surroundings.

They were in a wine cellar. A stone chamber filled with a treasure trove of liquors gleaming on redwood racks and mahogany shelves. There were rows and rows, a library of wines and palates.

Wendy shifted, turning to where Peter was looking.

A soft, warm glow filled the far corner. Wendy's heart skipped. People were talking, but in urgent whispers, as if they knew trespassers had invaded the cellar.

Pressing against Peter, Wendy breathed deep.

Suddenly...she smelled something... wonderful. Spicy. Meaty. Succulent. Sweet.

Spaghetti sauce.

Reminded that she was hungry, Wendy's stomach rumbled.

"Shhhhhhh." Peter soothed, pressing his hand into her stomach. Gently, he rubbed, making smooth circles around her belly button. "Shhhhhh."

Wendy frowned. Still angry, and embarrassed for the rumbling, she twisted from Peter's hand.

Peter turned, dropping his guard.

"What's your problem?" he hissed, squeezing his hand over Wendy's mouth. Tilting his elbow, he forced her gaze. "I'm trying to help! Silver said that Rat Tail joined the villains. You heard it. I heard it. Get over it! Stop treating him like some hero! Rat Tail doesn't care about me, us, or you Wendy! He doesn't! And I...I..."

"Freeze! Imposter!"


Peter jerked. Then, eyes rolling back, he fell forward onto Wendy.

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