Chapter 103: Who Broke the Wishing Star?

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Chapter 103: Who Broke the Wishing Star?

Jim lifted his head. Silver's arm rest against his skull. The cuts were still tender. Tilting his head, Jim tried to maintain site of Peter and Wendy. En route, he caught Michael's gaze.

Michael was bound, forced to sit on Esma's knee. Scar paced, licking Michael's toes. Michael was scared. He squirmed, whimpering when Scar nibbled his little feet. Imploringly, he gazed at Jim.

"We're getting' close, lads!" Silver shouted, pointing at the sky. "Look! Thar! I smell a Wishing Star a-waitin'!"

Jim stared at Michael. "This isn't over yet." he whispered, turning as Silver, Maleficent, and Captain Hook gazed at Wishing Star in wonder. "This isn't ov…"

"Hold on!?"


"What the devil!?"

Jim raised a hand. He squinted against the starlight. "What…the…?"


The map's green trajectory blinked. The line spasmed, fibrillated, and sucked backwards into the map. The map dimmed and remained dormant.

Jim frowned. He shook the map. He punched the code, trying to twist it free. The bronze hinges groaned but did not budge.

Captain Hook clenched his neck. Maleficent's eyes smoldered. Silver bent, pulling his collar. "What's going on, Jimbo?"

Jim's heart raced. Behind him, Scar growled and Michael whimpered.

"I don't know." Frantically Jim redialed the combination, trying to unlock the map. "I can't get it open."

Hilarity drained. Faces darkened. The villains and pirates advanced.

"Trying to outsmart us!"

"Little sneak!"

"We should've never trusted this boy!"

"Hey!" Jim staggered. Someone kicked the small of his back. Jim fell to the deck. The light of the Wishing Star gleamed like a pearl over the map.

"Get that gizmo goin' again!"

"Rip out his gizzard!"

Silver's shadow closed over him. "Don't matter none…yer little lass is almost there." The map scraped across the deck as Silver wrenched him upright. Violently, he pushed, lifting Jim's face to the beautiful, brilliant, blinding star. "Almost te the Wishin Star….almost…almost…there…"

Jim gaped. The star's intense lightness and darkness arrested his senses, ceasing time and space.

Jim held his breath. Without thinking, he squeezed Silver's mechanical hand as Peter lifted Wendy…and Wendy, face streaked with starlight, brought her needle to the star…

Then….something happened…

As the nightmare stretched across space in a torrent, Jim remembered, vaguely remembered, something Dr. Doppler had taught his students…so long ago…in Fantasia School for the Magically Skewed…

If the Wishing Star breaks completely apart, it will look like a silver firework. An oscillation of silver nails over the horizon... exploding over the land. Then, everything will appear black! As if a transparent black veil is being pulled over Fantasia.

And as the villains and pirates shielded their faces, Jim watched.

He watched Wishing Star's black center explode into a bed of silver nails.

He watched the silver undulation razed holes through the pirate ship.

He watched the silver firework knife through the silhouette of his best friend.

And, slamming backwards, rolling across the ship, he watched the last petal of the enchanted rose…fall.

"Who broke it?" Jim clawed, grappling for hold as the pirate ship fell from the sky. "She didn't reach it. It wasn't Wendy." Head wrenching up, he gasped as Peter and Wendy, tethered to the mast, ripped across the blackness.

"Who broke the Wishing Star?"

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