Chapter 12: Detention with the Cook

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Chapter 12: Detention with the Cook

"Are you kidding me?!"

Peter grinned. Spreading his legs and stretching overhead, he waited for the rattail kid – Jim– to finish flipping out at Master Cogsworth. Master Cogsworth, for his part, regarded Jim with haughty disapproval.

"Young man..."said Master Cogsworth eyeing Jim repugnantly. "You are not off to a good start."

Jim rounded on Cogsworth like a tiger. "Me? Me?! Seriously?"

Peter raised his eyebrows innocently as Jim pointed. "You've got a level one sex offender and I'm the one who's not off to a good start?!"

"To be fair," Peter interjected as Cogworth's gears spun madly. "I'm an orphan, so that makes everything ok. House rules."

Anger boiled behind Jim's eyes. "Save it for the alley, jack ass."

Peter leaned forward, sensing that he had hit a nerve. "Bring your cute little girl-friend and I'll consider."

"Son of a b—"

"That – will – do!"

Jim and Peter flinched away from each other as a puff of blue smoke filled the room. Master Merlin marched through the doorway.

"Most unbecoming!" Master Merlin frowned his bushy white eyebrows. "Most unbecoming indeed. Let's try to settle our differences, shall we? I have a splitting headache."

Jim's fingers twitched as Master Merlin conversed rapidly with Master Cogsworth. Under the vigilance of Master Merlin's pet owl, he didn't dare seize Peter's throat although the thought was tempting. But before Jim began seriously outweighing the reward and risk, the professors reached an agreement.

"We've decided..." Master Cogworth said, " provide separate detentions, given the severity discrepancy of each offense."

"Oh give me a break." Jim muttered, slamming into his chair.

"Mr. Hawkins..." Cogsworth continued, " are on KP with our school cook, Mr. Silver."


"You will report to him everyday afterschool for a month, starting today."


Peter crossed his legs delightfully as Jim pounced from his seat.

"After school? For a month? Are you kidding me?" Jim's head buzzed with anger. "I have a job! I have to find work after school! My house fu – "

"Temper." Peter leaned his head to the side with a smile. "That's what got you in trouble in the first place."

"As for you, Mr. Pan..." Master Cogworth continued, turning away from Jim. "A lesson in humility is indicated for your punishment. Starting today, you will be joining Dr. Sweet's after school elementary program with the pre-health students."

Peter scrunched his nose. "The nerds? I dunno Cogs...not really my scene."

"Community service! Good for the blood!" Master Merlin thumped his chest. Archimedes rolled his eyes. "Teaches you to appreciate all sorts of good stuffs. Teamwork, hard work, humility...the like."

Peter shifted in his chair. "Not buying it."

"Ah, is irrelevant whether you 'buy it' or not."

Ushering Jim to follow, Master Merlin headed for the door. "I'll show Mr. Hawkins to the kitchens. Master Cogsworth, I trust you'll escort Mr. Pan?"

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