Chapter 78: Magnetism

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Chapter 78: Magnetism





Peter glanced at the door. He could just make out the golden knob, coated in ice. It glinted in the light of the Wishing Star. The toggle shook with every boom as the pirates and villains tried to break in.

Peter lay his head against the wall. Frost nibbled the back of his skull as he surveyed Headmaster Mickey's office.

It was pretty dismal.

Elsa's magical winter had cast the room in glittering frost. Light blue snowflakes drifted slowly through the icy air.

Peter grunted. He watched his breath freeze. For all he knew, the castle was a big snow cone. He wondered if Elsa's magic had buried the rest of Fantasia under a deep, deep, deep winter.

Someone coughed. Peter looked up. Across the room, Tigerlily snuggled against John. Her nose was red. Her eyes were puffy. Neither spoke. But both shivered.

A movement caught Peter's eye. Rapunzel was inching shyly towards Flynn. Flynn smiled. Warmly, he opened an arm. For a moment they were silent as Flynn stroked Rapunzel's head. Then, ever so gently, Flynn drew Rapunzel's golden hair over her shoulder like a blanket.

Peter shook his head. Flynn. Boy was loosing his maxi. Next thing you knew, he'd be confessing to Rapunzel all his deepest, darkest secrets. Peter grinned. Yeah. Like that would ever happen.

A second bout of gunfire made Peter turn.

In separate corners, Merida and Robin moved as one. Jerking upright, they drew bows and arrows in identical, fluid motions. As though rehearsed, they aimed at the door, and cautiously receded as the gunfire died.

Robin looked at Merida. Merida looked at Robin. As one, they smiled. Then together they returned to sentry, vigilant of each other's feelings.

Mulan gazed wistfully at the archers. Worry crossed her face and Peter would have bet a million dollars she was thinking about Shang. Bending over and pretending to tie a shoe lace, Mulan shouldered a tear from the corner of her eye. Nearby, Mushu puckered a bottom lip. Forcing a smile, he zipped to Mulan and cuddled against her knee.

Sadly, Mulan smiled. Still, she patted Mushu, grateful for his concern. So grateful, she extended the kindness to Meg, joining the somber girl at the window.

Meg did not smile, but accepted the hand Mulan offered. Together, both girls gazed outside the frosty window. Waiting. Just waiting for Jim's plan.

Jim's plan.

Wait. Just wait. Oh and THEN(best part) for dear life to a "magical" oven. Suuuuuuuure. Brilliant Rat Tail. Brilliant.

Inwardly, Peter scoffed. His black eyes flicked to the center of the room.

Jim sat quietly, staring at the door. His sullen, deep set eyes reflected the pink glow of the enchanted rose turning methodically between his fingers. He was still as a wolf, waiting for it's prey.

Wart sat beside Jim; forehead on his knees, skinny arms wrapped around his legs. His cheeks were blue, and turning purple. Frost twinkled over his blonde hair like a crown.

Poor kid. Peter thought as Wart's stomach growled. Cognizant of his own hunger, Peter settled back against the wall. Must be starving.

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