Chapter 13: Detention with the Girl

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Chapter 13: Detention with the Girl

It was Peter's every intention to skip out on the whole detention thing. He'd rather nail both ears to the floor than listen to Dr. Sweet lecture him on respect, citizenship, and social competency. Yep. Peter's plan was simple: Chuck Dr. Sweet's advice in the crap bucket and ditch.

"...and make sure to wash hands between children because boy are they nasty little buggers." finished Dr. Sweet, handing Peter a shirt that read VOLUNTEER. "Got it?"

"Loud and clear." lied Peter, throwing the shirt on backwards. He grinned knowing Dr. Sweet wanted to strangle him. "Don't feed em', don't touch em', don't fall in love with em.' I get it doc."

Dr. Sweet's biceps twitched. "Good thing this is a one time deal." murmured the school nurse, finding his inner karma. "Move along, Son. We're late."

Although he resented being called 'son' Peter followed Dr. Sweet into the elementary school, scanning for escape routes. As they entered a colorful room crowded with children, Peter realized just how easy it would be to slip away. With all the commotion and toys flying around, no one would notice him. Piece of cake.

"Okay, this is the play room." Dr. Sweet explained, searching through his medical bag.

Peter gave a look that he hoped implied 'duh.'

"This is where the pre-health students do evaluations of motor and cognitive milestones and impairments, based on age norms for each child. After that, it's basically just a free-frawl of play."

Peter blew through his nose. "I understood the play part, Doc."

"And that's your job today." Dr. Sweet, strapped a mirror around his head and stethoscope around his neck. "Hear you're not bad with kids. And half of this bunch come from the orphanage. So you should fit in. Can't hurt to have a familiar face."

Peter shuddered to think that Lilo might be somewhere in this room, reeking havoc on an innocent little bystander. As if on cue, a baby lion squealed as Lilo slapped a bonnet over his rump.

"Oh joy." Peter mumbled, watching as Lilo punched a bear cub in the nose. "Looks like oodles of fun."

"Just call if you need help." said Dr. Sweet, pointing to the corner of the room. "Over there are Master Goofy, Master Kronk, and Mistress Minnie. They teach here."

Peter glanced at three adults: a goofy looking something, a big chinned man, and a mouse with pink heels. Currently, Master Kronk was demonstrating how to properly whip away boogers after sneezing. Oh yeah. This was going to be so easy.

Peter grinned. "Think I can handle it. Thanks."

Dr. Sweet narrowed one eye at Peter. "You're here until five." he finally said, a dangerous edge in his voice. "Make sure you see me after so I can sign your paperwork."

"Will do." Reaching into his pocket, Peter withdrew the bronz orb he had stolen from Jim. He tossed it idly as Dr. Sweet crossed the thicket of children. "Will do, Sucker. Psych! I'm outta..."

Peter stopped.

There she was. The girl. The girl that had slapped him when he tried to feel her bra in gym class. The girl that was friends with the rat-tail kid Jim.

The girl that was too good for the great Peter Pan.

Captivated, Peter watched as she interacted with the children, flawlessly balancing safety and play. As Lilo and Tootles ran into her lap, she smiled. Peter smiled as she smiled, unable to stop himself from admiring the girl's adorable laugh and big, blue eyes.

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