Chapter 47: Let's Get Down To Business

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Chapter 47: Let's Get Down To Business

Headmaster Mickey tidied his index cards. He took a deep breath.

"Healers: Rapunzel, Nani, Sitka, Kida, Belle, Charlotte, and Anna. You go with Dr. Sweet."

"Scouts: Giselle, Clopin, Esmeralda, Tiana, Naveen, Milo Thatch, Hans, Prince, Alice, Aurora, Maid Marian, Jane Porter, Kuzco, Tigerlily, Nakoma, Pocahontas, John Smith, Thomas, Nita, Denahi, the Pixies, and the Mermaids. You go with Master Donald and the Rescue Aid Society Members."

"Warriors: Mulan, Hercules, Aladdin, Kay, Adam, Flynn, Tarzan, Kocoum, Merida, Robin Hood, Elsa, Kristoff, Gaston, the Stabbington Brothers, Jasmine, Taran, Audrey, Snow White, Cinderella, Charming, Kenai, David, Phillip, Pheobus, Quasiomodo, Yao, Ling, Chien-Po, Arthur Pendragon, Little John, John Darling, Eric, Ariel Triton, Peter Pan, and Jim Hawkins. You go with Coach Phil."

"And...Second Stars: Megara, Simba, Eilonwy, Facilier, and Wendy Darling." Headmaster Mickey pocketed the index cards in the uneasy silence. "You all go with me. Any questions? Any at'all?"


"Great." Headmaster Mickey ushered Master Merlin, Dr. Doppler, and Captian Lee Shang upstage. "All elementary students – with the exception of simba – will not be sorted into groups. However, all students – elementary and high school – will take three basic training classes."

"The three basic training classes are: Magic, Astronomy, and War. Master Merlin and Dr. Doppler will be teaching Magic and Astronomy."

Headmaster Mickey nodded at Shang. "And Captain Lee Shang of the Fantasian army will be teaching War. Captain...did you want to say a few words? About tomorrow?"


Stiffly, Captain Lee Shang stepped to the microphone. He waited stoically as Mickey adjusted the height.

In the meantime, the female audience drooled.

"He is so dreamy."

"Mrs. Captain Lee Shang."

"What a gorgeous hunk of man."

"I think I'm going to like basic training."

"I think I just stopped being a virgin."

"I think I'm going to swoon."

"I think I'm in love."

"I think I'm going to barf!" Flynn, Aladdin and Peter looked disgustedly between Shang and the girls. "Seriously. You go for that?

"Please." Genie said to Aladdin's incredulous face. "He almost does it for me."

"Um...too much info Genie."

"He's on the roids!" Flynn flexed his arms overhead. "Takes a real man to get natural guns like these!"

"Squirt guns, you mean?" Rapunzel retorted.

"Ah, but I see you've been lookin' huh Blondie!?"

"It's Rapunzel."


Captain Lee Shang cleared his throat. "Students. Yesterday I observed your War Games. In detail. Do you know what I saw?"

Shang's dark eyes flickered over the clueless faces. "What I saw was the most disorganized, incompetent, pathetic display of survival known to man."

"Cheerful and inspiring." Mulan kicked her feet onto the seat back. She studied Shang over her sneakers. "What a delight."

"My job." Shang continued unremorsefully. "Is to teach all of you the basic art of survival in war. Then the 'Warrior Group' – for want of a better term – will train more in depth with Coach Philoctetes."

"Who?" Flynn asked behind his frying pan.

"Coach Phil." said Ariel, annoyed.

"Oh. Right."

"There will be no breaks," continued Shang, his eyes sweeping over the auditorium like lasers. "No absences, no open toed shoes, and no quitting. I expect every single one of you to come hydrated and ready for each class. We start tomorrow. Understood?

"...uh huh..."


"Yes Sir!" chorused the students. Peter, Flynn, and Aladdin saluted.

"Good." Shang relented the microphone to Headmaster Mickey. "Get rest tonight. Because tomorrow, the real work begins."

"Yes Sir!" Headmaster Mickey said, flustered and impressed by Shang's asperity. "Thank you Captain Lee Shang!"

Accepting the microphone, Headmaster Mickey smiled encouragingly his dumbstruck student population.

"Okie dokie. Well, since there are no more announcements – "

"Oh wait! Mickey! I have one more announcement!"

Headmaster Mickey was surprised. "Oh...uh...actually..." Turning, he rambled as Mistress Minnie clicked excitedly across the stage. "...Allllll righty...well apparently I was wrong. Mistress Minnie has something to annou – "

"You've all been working so hard!" Minnie gushed, grabbing the microphone. "These are very hard times and I'm afraid they are not going to get easier!"

"What is this?" Aladdin nudged Genie. "Damnation day?"

"SO!" Minnie beamed, squeezing the microphone, "We are going to have a ball!"

"What?" Headmaster Mickey said, jaw dropping. Incredulously, he looked at Master's Donald, Goofy, and Merlin. All three shrugged. "Minnie? What? A ball?"

"Yes!" Minnie bounced up and down. "It will a perfect reward for all their hard work and a celebration where everyone will be able to have fun, mingle, relax, dance – "

"Dance?" Flynn dropped his frying pan. "Oh my god they are trying to kill us!"

"It's a wonderful idea, isn't it Mickey?" Minnie glowed with excitement. "Just like a prom! But a ball! A grand ball! Dancing, decorations, dresses!"

"Dresses!" Squealed the mermaids and pixies. "Dressing up! Music! Dancing! I can't wait! I can't wait!"

"See?" Mistress Minnie batted her eyes innocently at Mickey. "It's a perfect idea. Isn't...Headmaster?"

"Yes!" cried the mermaids, clutching each other and jumping up and down. Naveen bounced into their circles. "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

"Okaaaaaay...apparently we are going to have a ball..." Headmaster Mickey cocked his head meaningfully at Minnie. "...a spontaneous, out of the blue, no-prior knowledge ball."


"But!" Headmaster Mickey waved his hands as most of the girls celebrated and most of the boys considered suicide. "But only AFTER you start your training! After! And training starts tomorrow! It...oh..."

Uselessly, Headmaster Mickey lowered the microphone. "..never mind. Okay everyone. Dismissed. Remember..."

Headmaster Mickey shook his head with a small smile. "Training starts tomorrow."

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