Chapter 64: Secret Admirer

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Chapter 64: Secret Admirer

"Where are all the girls?"

Heads turned back and forth. Dumbly the male student body avoided eye contact with Captain Lee Shang.

Then Mulan raised her hand. "Right here."

Peter sniggered. "I think the Shang-ster wanted to know where all the girls are, Mulan."

Mulan glared as Flynn and Aladdin raised high fives. "That's rich coming from you Pan, considering Wendy just kicked you're a – "

"Students!" Shang glared Peter, Flynn, and Aladdin back into formation. "I asked a question and I except it to be answered in fivefourthreetwo – "

" – girls all skipped Captain Sir, Sir!" Ling burst out, saluting zealously. "Getting ready for the ball tonight!"

Captain Lee Shang looked thunderstruck. "Excuse me? They are what?"

"Getting ready for the ball!" Ling saluted again, throwing out his chest. "Ball is tonight! Sir, Sir!"

"Very stressful preparation for a girl." Chein Po added. Soothingly, he smiled at Shang – who looked ready to explode. "Dress, shoes, jewelry, cosmetics, hair – "

Shang shook his head. "This is unexcepta– "

"—fragrance, handbag—"

Shang cracked his knuckles. "—completely disgracef—"

"— lingerie."

Shang shut up.

Chein Po peacefully laid his palms together. "It is the way. Every accessory must be perfectly balanced."

"All for that magical cosmic moment." Yao growled with a disproportionately dreamy expression. He sighed like a lovesick bulldog.

Mulan rolled her eyes at Jim. "Girls." she muttered. "I don't even own a brush."

Jim reclined as Captain Lee Shang paced furiously. "Shocker."

"Shut up, Hawkins."

Jim grinned. Glancing at Shang, he nudged Mulan. "Hey. Did Wendy really – "

"All right, Gentlemen!" Captain Lee Shang announced, passing Mulan without pause. "Thanks to your lady friends, you will spend all of basic training making up for their disloyalty."

"Shidanza..." Naveen cringed "...this sounds very sweaty, no?"

"Sweaty." Shang barked. "And painful. Plan on every inch of your body being sore on the dance floor!"

"Gllllory be!" Flynn exclaimed. "An excuse not to dance!"

"Oh you will dance!" Captain Lee Shang looked every boy in the eye. "Being a warrior – being a man – requisites you to the standards of chivalry and honor. Sore or not sore, ALL of you will spend tonight dancing every dance –"


"—and acting –" Shang's muscles were taught, "—like gentlemen."

Flynn threw his hands in the air. "Well, my evening is spoiled."

"It's only just begun, Rider." Captain Lee Shang pointed to a monstrous pile off dirt and rocks. "See that pile? The seven dwarves unearthed those rocks last night. Each rock weighs less than a small child. Much less."

Shang turned back to the students. "In the event of war, you must be able to combine strength and speed. For instance , running from a shelter to save a screaming infant, or discard a ticking bomb."

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