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In a secluded corner of the camp, the tent where the five witches were placed began to get noisy. The first one that opened her eyes was in shock, the weight of the chains on her neck and shoulders are gone. She brought a hand up and touched her neck and sure enough the chains were gone. Looking around, she didn't expect to see a woman sitting in a corner drinking tea. A white cloth over her eyes indicating that she was blind. "You're awake." The rest of the witches all sat up and looked towards the woman in white. "I've already looked through your memories so there's nothing to tell me."

Bia places her cup down, "The question is if you want revenge." Reina entered the tent, "We're ready." Bia stood up and walked out the tent, "Let's set off." Just as Bia was stepping into her carriage, a voice called out to her. "Wait! Take us with you. There's no doubt that you're going to the Elf Kingdom so take us with you." Bia stopped but didn't turn back, "I never told you to follow me." The leader of the five dropped to one knee, "Please take us in Mistress." The other four followed after. Bia smiles and steps into her carriage. Elder Ronin stepped forward, "Why are you still kneeling there for? Get on a horse." Bia only brought a handful of people with her on the way out. Fifty-five guards and sixty shadow guards, the valley wasn't even affected with the hundred and some people gone. The witches stood up and they recognized the middle aged man in front of them.

"Greetings Elder Ronin." Elder Ronin strokes his beard and moves back to his carriage. The group moved off and less than an hour later, a group of scouts passed by the area but found nothing. The area was as if no one was there at all. Finding nothing, the scouts returned to their camp. "Greetings Commander. We found nothing." A woman in green sat at the top table sighed upon hearing the news. "Nothing at all? Were there any abnormalities?" The scout thought about it for a while, " It just seemed like a rarely visited place by animals." The woman was about to wave them away when she thought of what he said again.

"Where did you look?" The scout explained their route and where they stopped in the map. "We caught game from that place two days ago. How can it be want you said? If we follow this route.." Her finger tapped a certain place. "Rena? Have you got something?" The woman turned and bowed. "My Prince. I believe we have something but we may have to enter chaos." Rena touched the marking on the map that read Elven Kingdom. The white haired Prince looked to be fairly young but he was over ten hundred centuries old. "Then we will enter the chaos. Order the men. We move at daybreak." Rena bowed and left the tent.

The Prince touched the mark on his forehead with a sad sigh, 'where are you Neteria?' The Prince left the tent with another sigh. A black haired woman touched his hand gently as he walked down the stairs, "We'll find her. Things have been looking up recently." The Prince tapped her hand, "Flora had her reasons for not sending her to us." The flower mark in the middle of the woman's forehead started to brighten a bit as warmth filled her heart. In the shadow of the trees, a pair of golden eyes watch the couple and heard their conversation before disappearing.

In the stable carriage, Bia's eyes opened. "Here" Erebus pushed a peeled tangerine in her hand. Bia didn't say a word as she began eating it. A crystal clear tear dropped from her eyes as her chest felt stuffy. Although she knew them, now wasn't the time to appear before them. Getting over the obstacle that is the Elf Kingdom must happen first. Erebus reached out and wiped the tear away before caressing her cheek. Bia pulled back and looked away from him, eating the tangerines as if nothing happened. "How long?" Reina who was laying on the horse lazily next to the carriage answered Bia's question.

"Almost there Mistress. If I knew it was going to take this long , I would've set up a carriage for myself as well." Everyone around her collectively rolled their eyes. They all knew she was lying because she wouldn't sit still in one long enough. "Jackson, what's the report." An almost unnoticeable light tap is heard on top of the carriage. "Reporting Mistress. The Wolves have stationed a general's camp outside the Kingdom walls to prevent anyone from entering or exiting. They have fifty thousand outside and a thousand inside. As for the Elves, the King is being held prisoner so the citizens dare not do anything." Reina sat up, "Mistress we should hit the general's camp first and then head inside?"

Bia shook her head, "Observe the situation first then report back in three days." Jackson took off and Reina laid back in the horse while Bia leaned back and closed her eyes. She was tired, her body was still weak and but these days she expended her energy twice which prolonged her recovery. Three days were enough time for her to recover. When Bia opened her eyes, a pair of white eyes were looking down at her worried. This pair of all white eyes belongs to Opal who was wiping her down. "Don't try to get up Mistress, take you time." Bia nods. "You've been out for a week. Luckily your body recovered a bit during this time. We've been at a standstill and waiting for your order."

Bia sat up slowly, "What's the situation?" Opal paused for a moment. "We had to stop so you could recover so..." Looking around the tent, Bia understood what she meant. "Get me ready." Opal helps Bia gets ready and soon the two step out the tent. Rekka stood outside the tent talking to Opia when they came out and the two bow immediately, "Greetings Bia." With a wave of her hand , they stood up. "Gather the others, I want a full report." Bia started to walk around, "Where is Erebus? Why don't I see the Demons anywhere?"

Opal paused and then sighed, "He's been locked up." Bia's hand tightened on Opal's. "Your.. The Prince locked him up in the woods. Do you want to take a look?" Bia thought about it for a while before nodding.

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