The Rise

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"You look beautiful." Nayeli fixed the veil in Kali's hair properly. Kali smiled at her, "Thank you." It's been thirty thousand years since Bia's death. Erebus stayed at the Valley, since they didn't want to come out. Aceso took over the Demon Kingdom in her Father's stead while Diablo entered the Vampire Kingdom to live. The two have yet to have children. "Have the children arrived?" Nayeli asked one of the maid's tending to the bride. "Yes, Grand Princess. They arrived an hour ago and are waiting in the Great Hall." Nayeli nodded. "What of Erebus?" The maid shook her head. "He still hasn't arrived." Nayeli nods to her and turned back to Kali. "It's time to go." Kali nods nervously. The two walked out the room. "Where you this nervous when you married brother?" Nayeli chuckled. "Worse. I was shaking so much that they almost thought that they were hurting me." Kali laughed loudly. "I didn't know that. You seemed so confident when you walked into the Great Hall that day." Nayeli chuckled and stopped outside of the doors.

"I told myself that my mate is the one beyond these doors. The only one, just focus my eyes on him and I would be fine, so you do the same." Kali nodded. Nayeli motioned for them to open the doors. Kali's mate is from the Dragon Kingdom, General Kizme. He's ten thousand years older than her and had only been to the Fae Kingdom the hundredth year after Bia's death. He was escorting the Elders to the ceremony that was held in the Fae Kingdom, it was then that the two realized who they were to each other. Now, here they are getting married. Kali even visited her neice a few days before the wedding to speak to her. She hadn't done it regularly since she was managing the Kingdom.

Kali smiled once she saw her mate looking at her from the other side of the Hall, once the doors opened. She felt happy in this moment, she wished for more but she could only take what she has now. This much wasn't bad, she couldn't complain. "You look beautiful, my love." Kizme said as he took her hand and kissed it. "Thank you." She replied shyly. The ceremony itself was short but the banquet afterwards was rather long. Just before the bride and groom are taken off into the chambers, everyone present give their congratulatory blessings for the couple. The last person to give their blessing was Neteri, Flora's daughter. "I wish you a fulfilling marriage, Great Aunt Kali." Kali looked at Neteri and smiled. "Thank you, my dear."

A tear dropped from her eyes. Neteri looked nothing like her sister, she looked just like Flora but looking at her reminded Kali of her older sister. Neteri knew the reason for the tear and reached for Kali's hand. "I'm sure that older sister is blessing you as well, Great Aunt." Kali could only smile at the girl. The guests were all leaving so they didn't see when Erebus slipped in the Hall. Once all the guests left, Erebus made himself known. "Apologizes for my late arrival." He bowed. "You sent notice and a gift, so there is no need to be sorry." Kali said to him. Erebus lifted his head. "Well. It wasn't entirely his fault." A voice came from behind Erebus that made everyone freeze. "Mother?..." Aceso called out, she and her two brothers were already walking towards Erebus when everyone heard what she said.

A woman stepped out from behind Erebus and pulled the hood from her head. Long white hair, multicolored eyes and a flower mark in her forehead. "Mother!" Niro, Diablo and Aceso all ran towards her without a care. "Mother!" Diablo was the first to reach her and latched onto her tightly. "I missed you." Bia didn't have time to respond as Aceso and Niro attacked her as well. After a while, she glanced at Erebus, "Okay. Your Mother just woke up, she still needs a bit of time to fully gain back her strength." Erebus said as he pulled them off of his wife. The three of them pulled back and began wiping their faces, but the tears kept coming. "I'm sorry, my babies. I left for too long, didn't I?" She touched all of their cheeks as she spoke, a small smile on her face.

She motioned for them to step aside. "Greetings to my Elders. I have returned." Bia bowed. As she lifted her head, she was crushed into a hug. "Grandfather.." She was cut short by how damp her shoulder had become in such a short amount of time. She could only hug him back in silence. Elder Haclin rested his hand on his son's back, "Alright. She's back now, it's okay." Kasian only held onto her a little tighter before letting her go. "I missed you too Grandfather." Finally she made it to her parents. "Mother, Father." She greeted them. Flora shakingly touched Bia's cheek, tears falling down her cheeks like a river. "My daughter." Nox pulled the two in a hug and they stayed like that for a long time, forgetting the time but living in the moment. "You are completely healed? Nothing will happen, right? I can't lose you again." Flora asked Bia.

"I'm fine now, Mother." Flora nodded and kissed her forehead. "Good." Flora pulled back and attempted to wipe her face. She turned, "Come and meet your sister." Neteri stepped forward and looked at Bia. "Neteri, greet your older sister, Neteria." Neteri smiled and bowed, "Older sister." Bia reached for the girl's hands. "You are so beautiful." She glanced at the girl's soul, "And took good care of the blessing." Neteri touched her chest. "You were the one that blessed me?" Bia nodded. "Mother always told me it was someone extremely powerful but she never said it was sister. Is this why it took you so long to come back?" Tears started to cloud Neteri's eyes. "No. It wasn't because of this. Don't feel burdened little sister. I gave you it because I wanted to. Okay?" Neteri nodded and hugged her.

Bia smiled and pulled back, wiping the girl's tears. "I think Great Aunt needs to head to her chambers. I will be back tomorrow. I'm a bit tired." Bia said while looking around at everyone with a smile. "Why are you tired? Is something wrong? Tell us the truth." Bia looked at her husband. "Nothing is wrong. She's bound to be tired after coming here after waking up. That's all." She glowered at him, he spoke as if her tiredness has nothing to do with him. "Then you'll have to come back to the Palace tomorrow. Okay?" Flora was still worried. "I will." Flora nodded once she heard the reply.
In the carriage, Bia leaned against Erebus. "Don't think I didn't see what you did back then." Erebus kissed her head. "We can't allow the children to hear what we were doing, can we?" She chuckled. "I love you." He kissed her head once again. "I love you too."

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