Chapter 72

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Riker POV:

Riker: That was so much fun! (I said to Rocky and Ryland opening the main door of our house)

Ryland: It was (He fist pumped)

Rocky and I laughed along and saw Mom and Dad in the living room.

Rocky: Hi Dad, Hi Mom (He waved to them like a little kid)

Stormie: (chuckled) Did you have fun?

Ryland: A lot! (He did it again. The fist pump)

Mark: Well that's good.

After the small conversation, we went different ways to our rooms. I threw my jacket on the bed and laid on it.

Riker: What a crazy day... (I closed my eyes)

Everything seemed so silent except music from Rydel's room. Obviously it was "The Script". "Hall of Fame" was playing which was one of my favorite songs from them. I heard Rydel singing quietly along with the song.

Strong-minded I stood up from the bed and grabbed my laptop clicking on Skype. Should I call him or not? I thought. There it was, Ross's cellphone number. Before I knew I clicked his name. Waiting, waiting.

*Conversation on Skype*

Ross: Hello? (His voice answered showing he just wake up)

Riker: Oh hey Ross, it's um.. Riker

Ross: Hey!

Riker: How are you? (I asked a little nervously)

Ross: I-I am good (He said trying to act more cheerful) you?

Riker: Awesome! What time is it in there, in Italy?

Ross: 5:28a.m.

Riker: Oh! (I was shocked) I'm sorry I woke you up, I don't really know the time difference an- (By this moment, I was babbling)

Ross: It's fine

I could feel he did a small smile, and the conversation was filled up with silence.

Riker: So, how's Laura (I dared to ask)

Ross: S-She's ok, I think she went to grab something to drink

Riker: Cool, how's the movie going?

Ross: Um.. Great (He sounded a little suspicious)

The silence came again.

Riker: It was nice talking to you

Ross: Me too

Riker: Bye Ross

Ross: Goodbye

*End of Conversation*

I released my breath. Well, that was a challenge. Ross and I were those brothers who cared about each other, but never talked. It felt like a wall separated our friendship.

A knock came on the door.

Riker: Come in!

The door opened to Rydel in denim shorts and a simple tank top, with one earphone plugged in her ear, and the other one hanging loosely.

Rydel: Hey (She said smiling and closing the door behind her)

Riker: Hey, what's up?

Rydel: (laughed) Nothing really, I came to see what were you doing?

Riker: Oh (I scratched the back of my neck) I was talking to Ross.

Rydel: Really! (She exclaimed) That's awesome, but isn't it early in Italy right now? (She questioned)

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