Chapter 37

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Ross POV:

-me and Laura finished reading the script. Then she said.

Laura: I think we gotta go to sleep

Ross: yeah you are right (I affirmed)

-we went upstairs and we changed to our pajamas.

Ross: umm.. Ready?

Laura: yup

-she laid and moved slowly to my body wrapping her arms around my chest. Then I wrapped my arm around her.

Laura: our first night here (she giggled)

Ross: yeah..

Laura: I can't sleep

Ross: me too

Laura: we can do something..

Ross: like what

-she stood up and walked up to the balcony and went there. Then I followed her. She was looking at the stars and the half moon that brighten up the sky and feeling the fresh cool air that hit the skin.

Laura: this is beautiful

Ross: it is

-she put her right hand on the bars that covered the bottom part of the view so people wouldn't fall. Then I covered my big hand on top of hers and rubbed it slightly with my thumb.

Laura: I wish this moment would never end

Ross: (chuckled) it won't

Laura: I miss my family

Ross: me too, believe me

Laura: Ross..

Ross: yeah?

-she walked to me and took my hand intertwined our fingers.

Laura: no matter what happens, behind the scenes or in the movie, promise me we will keep it between us.

Ross: w-why?

Laura: I am scared that something will happen

Ross: like what? (I asked worriedly)

-she dragged me back to the room and we sat on the bed.

Laura: this is the only way I can show it to you (she whispered)

-she cupped my face and kissed me passionately. I asked for entrance and she gave it to me.

-Then I wrapped my hands around her waist when she stopped one of my hands and dragged it slowly to her stomach and laid it there having her hand on top of mine.

-Then we pulled out still touching our foreheads and we looked in each other's eyes breathing heavily.

Laura: this (she pressed tightly my hand that was on top her stomach) is what I am scared about.

Ross: Laura (I pulled out completely) no matter what happens-

Laura: no Ross, everyone says that, and that is not true

Ross: (breathed in) I know

Laura: ok.. Umm.. I understood enough from you

-she went to the bathroom and then came back with a light robe and went downstairs.

Ross: Laura wait..

Laura: no, not now Ross, not at midnight.

Ross: wait

Laura: what?

-I took her wrist and pulled her facing me causing no space between us. I traced her back slowly.

Ross: you have nothing beneath that robe.

Laura: I know (she didn't looked at me)

Ross: you want to do this now

Laura: I don't! (She screamed and pushed herself away from me)

Ross: then why the hell you kissed me?

Laura: I, because-

-she ran upstairs and all she has left here, is me confused.


I mean. That was awful.
If you didn't understand the
part about the stomach thing
it means she's scared getting
pregnant. 🌝💩

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