Chapter 73

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Ellington POV:

The café had a French and Italian style once you entered the building.

Ellington: Wow.. (I said under my breath once I saw the decorations)

Stian: Yeah.. I used to go here a lot, until.. well, a lot of job came (He replied scratching the back of his neck)

I nodded looking down at my feet. We took a sit in a corner table. The walls had a flower print, and the chairs were soft, the table had a flower pot, a calla to be exact. The café reminded me a lot of like a house. Probably to feel less "homesick".

A waitress came with two menus in her hands, and asked.

Waitress/Rosanna: Hello gentlemen, what drinks would you want today? (She said in an Italian accent)

Stian: Cup of coffee, please.

Rosanna: Ok (She replied scribbling down on her notepad) and you? (She asked looking down at me)

Ellington: Caramel cappuccino.

Rosanna: I will come back in a few.

She left into the kitchen, and I picked up the menu to check what kind of breakfasts they have.

Stian: You should try the mushroom sausage omelet, it is really good.

Ellington: If you say so that way, I think I know for what I am going for then.

Stian: (Chuckled)

We put our menus down and Stian's voice caught my attention.

Stian: Why couldn't you sleep? Not trying to be nosy over here, just asking.

Ellington: Um.. I was thinking about someone

Stian: Is it the girl?

Ellington: What girl? (I asked like if I didn't knew)

He gave me the look. It was probably really obvious.

Ellington: How do you know? (I asked slowly and looked down to the designs on the cloth that was laying on the table)

Stian: When we were driving from the airport, you were texting someone and you were smiling shyly, I guessed you were texting your girlfriend or something. (He shrugged)

Ellington: (I chuckled and scratched the back of my neck) S-She is not exactly my girlfriend

Stian: You still like her though (He said raising his eyebrows)

Ellington: (I looked at him)

Stian: C'mon kid, you can't lie to an old man.

I smiled. I heard footsteps coming and saw Rosanna from the corner of my eye.

Rosanna: Here you go gentlemen. (She placed two cups on the table) Your coffee with a pinch of sugar and milk sir, and your caramel cappuccino young man.

Stian: Grazie

Ellington: Thank you (I said trying to smile)

Rosanna took our orders. Both Stian and I had the mushroom sausage omelet. I looked around the small café and realized that I didn't came here as a tourist. Sadness filled my heart, and all the words that I could think about were - I will regret this, but I have no other choice -

Stian: What's in your mind?

Ellington: I am.. not ready for the upcoming events.

Stian: I understand, but you should understand that some of us are in your side, believe it or not.

Ellington: B-but I only know you.

Stian: It's true, but some people in this gang are actually good people, and you know what? I am going to invite the guys for a night, you will meet them and you will understand you can trust me. (He said as a proud Czech citizen)

Elington: If I ever have time, then I don't mind. (I said with a hint of depression in my voice)

Ross POV:

Riker had just called me. I looked at the time still shocked it was past 5 in the morning. Riker had just called me. I looked to my side and saw Laura was not laying beside me. I got out of the covers and went downstairs, rubbing my eyes in the process.

Ross: Laura? (I asked with my morning voice)

Before I knew I felt a petite body crush mine, and a harsh breathing beneath my neck.

Ross: L-Laura what's going on? (I asked trying to hold Laura with my grip)

Laura: I saw him (Her eyes in shock)

Ross: Who's him? (I asked confused)

I turned Laura so she can face me, but she kept staring at one place.

Ross: Laura, Laura (I shook her) Who's him?

Laura: H-him h-had a k-knife (She said stuttering)

Knife, him, who is it? I questioned in my head. I had no other choice than picking her up bridal style and going to our room. I sat on the bed with her, sitting on my lap.

I looked at her eyes, they were shocked and dark like coal, replacing the chocolate brown colors. Her eyes were red, a light cherry red, that said nothing. It was unexplainable.

I kissed her forehead and hugged her, whispering to her ear that everything is going to be alright. Once I saw she was calming herself down, I started to talk.

Ross: What happened?

Laura: I s-saw someone with a k-knife (She said looking at me)

Ross: Do you know who he was? (I marked the he)

Laura: (She nodded) Y-you were right, a-all this time (She kept stuttering)

Ross: Was it Darren? (I said like if he was a murderer, which maybe he was)

She looked down, a guilty feeling turned her face pale.

Laura: I hate all this, everything. (She mumbled)

I put my index finger under her chin and made her look at me.

Ross: No, Laura don't think that way. Darren was pretending to be nice, and he just... Uses people-

Laura: And I was like his prey, caught under his trap.

I harshly gulped and looked down. I hated to argue with Laura, and we both knew that what she said was true, the sad and painful truth.

Ross: I'm here for you no matter what happens, ok?

She nodded understanding my words.

Ross: C'mon (I grabbed her bridal style and laid her on the bed) Get a little more sleep

Laura: W-what about you?

Ross: I'll watch to make sure nothing happens (I smiled painfully)

Silence filled the time and then I felt a hand hold mine.

Laura: Thank you (She whispered)

After those words, she drifted away. I looked at her sleeping, with her face pale with light red-colored cheeks that made her look like a doll. Here is to the moment of pain. And I closed my eyes...


Hey guys! <33 Finally updated! I hope you guys like this chapter, so much drama happening lately (in the story) 😁 be tuned for more 😉 Thank you for you views, votes and comments and hope they will keep coming 😍 LOVE YOU!

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