Chapter 51

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Rydel POV:

- Ell and I were watching a movie, no cuddling, personal space, just friends. I looked at the corner of my eye that he was looking at me. It kinda made me nervous. Finally I turned around and looked at him.

Rydel: why you looking at me? (I asked)

Ellington: because you're beautiful (he smiled)

Rydel: sure Augustus Waters, sure. (I rolled my eyes)

Ellington: no kidding Rydel Lynch

Rydel: (shook my head no) stop it

- I turned off the movie.

Rydel: go to your bed, I wanna sleep and hopefully the storm will pass.

Ellington: ok (he sighed)

Rydel: goodnight

Ellington: goodnight Delly (he answered)

- and I fell into a deep sleep.

~the next morning~

Ellington: Rydel wake up (he shook my shoulder) Rydel!

Rydel: hm what? (I said half sleepy)

Ellington: the rain is gone, we can go home

Rydel: ugh.. When is checkout? (I asked lazily)

Ellington: 12:00pm

Rydel: and what time is it? (I continued)

Ellington: 10:52am.

Rydel: and breakfast?

Ellington: in your house

Rydel: fine (I whined)

Ellington: now get up

- I got up and went directly to the bathroom. I showered and brushed my teeth that the hotel gave us. I left the bathroom and changed really fast so Ellington couldn't see me.

Ellington: ready? (He came in)

Rydel: (nodded)

Ellington: let's go then

- we left the luxurious room and went to the reception.

Ellington: I'll check out, you wait in my car.

Rydel: ok

- he gave me his car keys and I went outside to the fresh air. I walked to his car that wasn't so far away and hopped to it. I waited about 7 minutes debating if I like Ell or is it just fake.

Ellington: I'm back (he said cheerfully)

Rydel: ok (I giggled)

- he started the engine and we drove off to my house.

~after about 10 minutes~

Ellington: well here we are princess, your castle. (He teased)

Rydel: thank you, and aren't you coming.

Ellington: (sighed) naah parents calling

Rydel: oh ok, well thank you for yesterday, and today (I smiled)

Ellington: no problem, I had fun (he smiled back)

- we hugged and I stepped out of the car and waved at him, he waved back. I entered my house and saw my Mom reading a book.

Rydel: hey Mom (I smiled slightly)

Stormie: oh Rydel, are you ok? (She asked nervously)

Rydel: I'm fine Mom (chuckled) we stayed in a hotel were Ell's aunt works.

Stormie: I'm really glad your ok and you made the right decision going to a hotel, it was really risk.

Rydel: yeah (I made a little smile)

Stormie: there's breakfast leftovers in the refrigerator, be free to take them whenever you want.

Rydel: ok Mom thank you.

- I went to the refrigerator and grabbed pink lemonade and breakfast leftovers. While I was heating them up, i asked my Mom.

Rydel: Mom?

Stormie: yes?

Rydel: where are the others? (I asked worriedly)

Stormie: oh, don't worry, they went to the arcade, I refused to go, to wait when you'll come.

Rydel: oh ok (smiled) thanks

Stormie: nothing to worry about

- I ate breakfast and went upstairs to change to comfy clothes. I decided I was interested in reading a book so I just took any book from the shelf I haven't read and started to read.

- time has passed and I was feeling really tired, so I put my book away and closed my eyes causing me to sleep.


Sorry for not updating in a really long time 😕 I have school, so be patient 💕 and oh my freaking goodness, 89k+ reads and 3k votes, you guys just rock! 😍 love youu!

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