Chapter 50

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Rydel POV:

- Ellington and I were walking to his car so he could drop me off to my house. In the middle of the ride a big storm came in and we could barely see the road.

Ellington: maybe we should stay in a hotel...

Rydel: ok, as long as were are safe, I'm ok

Ellington: well I know a hotel near here

Rydel: then let's go there

- we drove about 3 more minutes and I saw a big hotel.

Rydel: here? (I asked confused)

Ellington: (nodded)

Rydel: oh ok..

Ellington: why?

Rydel: it looks fancy and expensive..

Ellington: don't worry, my aunt works here, they can give us a 50%

Rydel: oh cool! (I calmed down)

- we parked and entered as fast as we can to the reception.

Receptionist (Katy): good evening to the Sheraton hotel 5 stars, how can I help you? (She smiled)

Ellington: we want a room with 2 beds please.

Katy: (looked at us suspiciously) hmm.. Ok

Rydel: (fake smiled)

Katy: ok.. First and Last Name please

Ellington: Ellington Ratliff

Katy: Ratliff.. Oh! Your aunt works here

Ellington: (nodded)

Katy: ok then it would be $30.67.

Ellington: ok

- he payed.

Katy: here are you cards, 4th floor.

Rydel: thank you

Katy: (nodded)

- we went to the elevator and arrived to the 4th floor. We walked about 10 rooms and arrived to ours.

Ellington: ok.. (He said inserting the card) come in (he opened the door)

Rydel: wow! (I said in amazement) this is so pretty! (I almost squealed)

Ellington: (chuckled)

- the room looked like a suite. A living room with modern paintings, a balcony, a big shower, and two big queen sized beds all ironed freshly.

- I jumped into the bed beside the balcony.

Rydel: it's so soft!

Ellington: yeah..

- he sat down in the other bed.

Ellington: I am going to call my parents to tell them we are staying in a hotel.

Rydel: (nodded) ok, I'll call mine.

- he dialed his number and called his parents. I did the same and told them the information they needed.

Rydel: ok, bye Mom! (I finished the conversation)

Ellington: so what do you wanna do?

Rydel: I don't know, I guess you know the place good

Ellington: yeah (he smiled)

Rydel: we should watch a movie or something.

Ellington: and we can order food.

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