Chapter 84

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Rydel POV:

The sounds of airplanes departing and arriving filled my ears. People frantically ran gate to gate, terminal to terminal just so they don't lose their flights. Trains were packed with people hoping they will be in their terminal sooner or later. Women struggled to get their children calm, and men sat with their computers doing last business work before the flight. Some people lay on the carpets of an unfunctional gate hoping to leave this airport soon. And here I was with my brothers in the busy LAX airport.

Rocky: Damn! I forgot how busy airports can be.

Rydel: I know right?

Riker: What is our gate Rydel?

Rydel: Um... (I took out the tickets and looked for the gate) C15.

Rocky: Oh! Right there! (He pointed to our gate)

Riker: I'm glad it's not packed.

We sat in our gate, and the boys immediately took out their phones and started to play some games. I took out a book, knowing we had to wait two and a half hours for departure. I decided to use my Audible app since I knew I couldn't concentrate with so many people screaming, talking, and luggage rolling. Half an hour passed, and I could feel my stomach growl.

Rydel: Do you guys want to eat something?

Rocky: Yeah, sure.

Riker: Sounds good.

We took our stuff and walked around our terminal trying to find somewhere to eat. We walked up to a food court and decided to eat Panda Express, Chinese food.

Rydel: Oh gosh! I missed Chinese food.

I dove in my food immediately after we paid. I heard Rocky and Riker laugh at me, but that just made me smile. After a good meal, we decided to walk around the shops since we still had an hour and half left. I decided to go to the book store to buy some candy and a new book.

We got out of the shop, and the boys decided to go back to the gate. I walked around the hallways of the giant airport and saw a Starbucks. Well, if anything can make me feel better, it's a good Starbucks. I walked behind a stewardess who was ordering a vanilla iced coffee, and looked at the menu. I listened to the accent of the middle-aged woman while she ordered, and she spoke with a Spanish accent, making me look at her in awe. After a few moments, she left and I decided to go with a venti caramel frappuccino. You can never go wrong with those. I paid and waited for the goodness that I was going to drink. I grabbed my mouth-watering coffee and sat on the nearest bench. As I drank my frappuccino, I thought about Ellington. Is he in danger, is he already dead? I closed my eyes and thought about all the good memories we had together. For a moment, I felt a warm feeling in my heart; something I haven't felt for a long time.

After drinking a third of my venti cup, I decided to go back to the gate. I looked at the time on my phone, and an hour was still left for departure. I walked towards Riker and Rocky who were laughing at something that was on Rocky's phone. I sneaked up from behind and waited till they noticed me.

Riker: Look at that Rocky (he said laughing) that is just- oh my god Rydel, seriously?

Rydel: Yup (I said lifting up my Starbucks cup)

Rocky: Oh, give me some of that.

Right away Rocky took my cup and took a sip of it. Brothers. I rolled my eyes and sat beside Rocky. In front of us, a mother and her son were playing some kind of card game and I heard them talking in Italian. Not only did I love other countries' languages, but Italian always reminded of Laura. I remember how she would teach me simple words such as 'Ciao' and 'Grazie'.

Rocky: Why are you smiling?

Rydel: I miss them (I said almost whispering)

Rocky: I do too (he said side-hugging me and planting me a soft-brotherly kiss on the head)

We both sighed and I hugged the bag with the candy and the book I bought. Hopefully everything will go well, I repeated in my head. I got out of Rocky's grip and decided to continue the book I was reading. Before I knew, I heard the stewardess's voice. "All passengers from flight UN72 come to gate C15 for boarding". Immediately everybody started packing their things, and getting their passports and boarding passes. I rubbed my eyes, and slowly stood up getting ready for the long flight that was awaiting us.

We entered the airplane, and we sat in the three middle seats: 34D, 34E, and 34F. I sat in the middle while the boys sat beside me.

Riker: It's been a long time since we sat in an airplane. (He said chuckling)

Rydel: Agreed.

Riker: I hope the food will be better than last time

Rocky: Don't get your hopes up, bro.

We all laughed and waited till all the passengers boarded the plane. Finally, after 12 minutes the stewardess announced we were ready for departure. I grabbed a berry-flavored gum to reduce the ringing in my ears. I closed my eyes, and slowly felt the airplane rise from the ground. Here we go. After around 25 minutes, we were completely up in the air.

Riker: Rydel... (He said poking my shoulder)

Rydel: Yes?

Riker: Do you think Mom and Dad will be mad?

I opened my eyes and looked at my brother's eyes.

Rydel: Yes, but soon they will find out it was the right choice. We just need at least a week, and hopefully everything will be settled.

Riker: Yeah, you're right.

I looked at the black screen that was in front of me, and I decided to scroll through the movies that were in the small TV. I immediately chose to watch a Marvel movie, but soon I felt asleep. I could feel his fingers on my hand and the fresh smell of his hair...

|| Hey guys! Long time, no see, I know. I have been re-reading my story, and I think I will end it soon. That's the bad news. The good thing, is that I started a new story. It is a YouTube story, and I would love if you guys could give it some love! The chapters will be twice as long as this ones, and updates will be once or twice a week, but I promise it will be worth it <3 Thank you for 702k reads, thank you for the love and support, lysm! xx I also will continue to update my other story "Who We Are" ||

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