Chapter 81

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Rydel POV:

The sand seemed infinite. Water was splashing on my feet. Ocean water. It was cold, but there was something about it that made it warm.

I looked around the setting. The beach. I was in the same place where I saw him fade away. Ellington. I deeply sighed knowing how much his absence affected me.

I looked at myself. I was wearing the same white dress. I slowly touched the fabric and looked at its designs. It had a botanical pattern. Herbs and flowers wrapped around my waist down to my legs. Breathless.

I closed my eyes wishing his presence was here with me. His arms wrapping around my waist, and feeling his breath on my neck. His voice would sound like melody to me, calming all the bad souls that live inside my body.

I opened my eyes, and walked down the shore of the beach contemplating my view. The sun started to hide on the horizon, making the sky looking like a flaming color calming its way out.

Ellington: Where have you been?

I turned around to see him sitting on a log. His face turned to look at me, defining his collar bone that drove me crazy inside.

Rydel: I have been looking for you in my dreams and in the outside world.

Ellington: Come, sit beside me.

I slowly walked towards him, and sat just beside him feeling his heat radiating on me.

Ellington: You know almost all the clues; you are so close on finding me. Maybe you are encountering danger that is waiting for you like a trap. A spider web ready to devour you.

Rydel: Are you in danger?

Ellington: Let's just say I am not in the best position ever. (He sighed)

I could feel my heart sink. Losing him would make me lost, like a kid in the store looking for his mother. Like an explorer without a map. Like a writer without imagination. What would I be doing?

Ellington: You are a strong woman. (He said, making it seem like he could read my thoughts) You can stand on both of your feet; you just have to learn how.

Rydel: I am scared. (I said leaning on him)

Ellington: I know.

Rydel: Please don't ever leave me.

Ellington: You know I cannot make that promise.

I could feel my eyes watering and my throat closing in. What if I am going to be late?

Ellington: I lov-

Riker: Rydel, wake up (He said whispering)

Rydel: Ugh... (I groaned)

Riker: C'mon lazy

Rydel: Fine...

Riker left the room and I directly went to the bathroom. I took a cold shower trying to remember what Ellington said. "You know almost all the clues; you are so close on finding me." So close, yet so far.

I got myself ready for the rest of the day. I walked downstairs to see only Rocky and Riker.

Riker: Good morning

Rydel: Good morning...

I cooked myself breakfast and sat on the table with the boys.

Rydel: So...

Riker: Rocky

Rocky: I talked with our friends, and they agreed on helping us. Had to do a deal, but the plan is going as we planned yesterday.

Rydel: Ok and where's Mom, Dad, and Ryland.

Riker: Shopping.

Rocky: Let's start packing then.

~Back to Italy~

Ellington POV:

Everything was happening way too fast. Either it was because I got unconscious everyday and time seemed to stop, or time was actually going way too fast.

Stian still got my back. He still keeps me updated, and I even have another person to trust on now. A small relief. On top of all that, Zack can't help threaten me every second of my life now. Either I am always on the edge of dying because of some weird ass thing I have to do to prevent my family dying, or he literally points me with a gun to kill me. I don't know what is scarier.

A few days ago I was sent to the building were Ross and Laura were supposed to do filming. Apparently they were talking with the guy who pretends to be the director. I personally don't know the guy, but I feel bad for him for dealing with Zack.

Now, I always promised to myself to never shoot a gun, or ever buy a gun. Well that promise was broken once I entered that building with a gun in my hands. The happy note about all this was I didn't kill anyone, but I had to scare the hell out of Ross and Laura and kidnap the director guy. Fun.

Now I was sitting in my room, and it was midnight. The past dreams it was all about Rydel, the beach, a sunset, and tears. I miss her. I need her. I felt like she was coming to Italy, which I do not think it's a good idea. The fact that Zack has zero mercy, it is already scary.

Today was the same as yesterday. Wake up, eat breakfast, do something illegal, come back, get unconscious by Zack, constant painkillers, maybe do something illegal again, eat dinner, more painkillers, go to bed and drown yourself in nightmares or the woman you love. I do not like this lifestyle, here is the question. Who would? Oh wait a psychopath like Zack.

I learned that crying from all this won't help anything at all. The first days really hit me, then I realized that Zack's commands rule over my life. Either I am dead, or I live. Personally, I am not really sure what I prefer most.

Stian has been helping me through all this, and he would tell me stories from his family and his past. It was definitely something that didn't make me feel like a piece of crap. I genuinely felt bad for him, but I think he felt way worse seeing me be treated like that.

He became more like a family member I could rely on, and he would still remind me that some of the guys weren't as bad as I thought. Something I really wished for everyday was to never become like Zack. My wish is to be with the girl I love, be with my family, and hit the drums like if my life depended on it. If I ever survive...


It's my fault. I am aware. The blame is mine. And no one is feeling worse than I am right now for not updating.

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