Chapter 83

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Ross POV:

As I was putting my camera away, an unknown voice invaded our area. The first thing I noticed about him was his height. Keeping in mind that I was 6 feet, he was definitely taller than me. Perks of being a European? Stereotypes. I then looked at his high quality sunglasses that made him look professional and mysterious. The sun hid behind the clouds a while ago, and I still could not understand the purpose of wearing sunglasses. Everything seemed to be normal until he spoke with his rough voice and said our names, and that's when Laura looked at me widening his eyes.

Ross: Uh, excuse me, and you are?

Stian: I believe you don't need to know my identity. Don't you get asked that question everyday anyway?

Ross: Well... yes, but not every day do we get to meet a person who wears professional looking sunglasses with a serious face.

Stian: Hmm... fair enough.

Ross: So...

Stian: I am Stian Novak, and the fewer questions you ask, the better.

Laura: Stian... Ross, that's the number that James gave us!

Stian: Number?

For the first time I heard his voice being unsure. I realized that he wanted to take his sunglasses off, but something stopped him.

Laura: Y-yeah

Stian: What are you talking about?

Laura: Ross?

Ross: (I sighed) Yesterday, Laura and I met up with James-

Stian: The director guy?

Ross: Yes (I paused) and he said that we need to talk to you.

Stian took off his sunglasses and rubbed his forehead furiously. I heard him mumble a couple of words that sounded like cursing. He looked around him and looked at us alarmingly.

Stian: We can't talk here. Please, follow me.

I looked at Laura who mumbled 'this is the only way'. All I could do is nod and follow the unknown guy.

As Laura and I were walking, I could feel my heart beating faster than usual. What if this is a trap and James is part of it? What if we get killed right now? No, don't think negative Ross. We walked into an abandoned alley, graffiti decorating the cemented walls. As we walked through it, a single metal door appeared in front of us. At the right side of the door, a pin pad was attached to the wall. 

Laura: Do you know the code?

Stian: Do I look like I don't?

In a matter of seconds, Stian opened the metal-rusted door. As Laura and I entered, the door slammed behind us, but something welcomed us even more frightening. Loud music started to blast in our ears, bright pink-blue neon lights shined to every direction, and moaning came out from the doors that were on the sides. Sex club. I saw that Laura was prepared to have an anxiety attack anytime, so I took her side and intertwined my hand with hers. 'It's going to be ok' I said whispering to her ear as loud as possible so she could hear me through the blasting music.

Stian: This way! (He shouted)

Laura and I quickened our pace as Stian led us to the staircase. At one point Stian stopped to talk with a person who was guarding the entrance to the top floor. He looked at us, and mumbled something to Stian. Stian just nodded.

Stian: You guys wait here; I'll be back in a few.

Laura and I just nodded. I looked behind me and saw all the strippers half naked, dancing extremely exaggerated, and being the guys' center of attention. Then there were the waitresses, who wore "sexy" costumes with their chest basically out to the public. They walked around with beers on the trays, swaying their hips as much as they could, and bending to the point where you could see their "private parts".

I have only been into one sex club my whole life, and I honestly never enjoyed it. It was more of a waste of my time and happiness, than the other way around. As I looked around a little bit more, I realized how intense sex clubs can be. It was dealing with the bad guys. Money, drugs, alcohol, strippers, sex. This is their job, and the fact that they get huge amounts of money and clients is already unbelievable.

After a few minutes, Stian came signaling us with his hand to follow him. We entered to a small room that looked like a lounge. The walls were red (very kinky), the chairs were black, no security cameras, and I started to feel claustrophobic. Then, a very businessman-like man came into the room.

Stian: Ross, Laura, this is Franco Gianmarco, the owner of this place.

Franco: A pleasure to meet you.

He shook my hand, and kissed Laura's hand softly.

Franco: Signora, are your roots from here?

Laura: Y-yes sir.

Franco: (sighed) Ah, I know my Italian ladies. And Ross, don't worry, she is all yours. (He said with an Italian accent)

I could feel my face getting red as I heard Laura giggling.

Ross: Oh shut up Laura...

She smiled at me.

Stian: Franco and I have known each other for years and it is always a pleasure to be welcomed by him.

Franco: Oh Stian! (He said patting his back in a friendly way) You are always welcome, especially with guests, and I believe this is a serious matter to discuss about...

Stian: I believe so... Zack made his move again.

Franco: Oh dear, if I only I could murder Zack Huber with my own hands, the world would be just better.

Stian: Ross, Laura, I want you to tell us what happened yesterday with James.

Laura and I looked at each. Franco and Stian didn't look like a threat, but you never knew.

Ross: (I sighed)

Laura: Do this for your family. (She whispered into my ear)

She held my hand tighter and that's when I got the courage to speak out.

Ross: Well, where do I start?

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