Chapter 2

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~in the Lynch's house~

Ross POV:

I called all my family to meet me at the kitchen, so they all went.

Riker: what happened bro?

Ross: well.. I got an offer of a new movie as the male lead!

Rydel: wow! Congrats!

Ross: thanks.. But I don't if I need to accept it..

Rocky: I think you should!

Everybody except Ross: yeaa!

Ross: are you sure guys? Cause it would be like 2 or 3 months without you guys..

Stormie: hey it's ok, we will miss you but I think you should take the offer:

Ross: wow! Thanks guys you are so supportive!

Ryland: yea and after all you are 18, so you are legal on doing se-

Ross: shut up! (Everybody laughed)

-i shook my head and went to my room to call James.


James: hello?

Ross: hey! It's me! Ross Lynch

James: oh hey! So..

Ross: I'm taking the offer!

James: are you sure?

Ross: yea why?

James: umm.. Nothing nothing! I'm glad you accept it, the tickets and the details of the movie will be send it to you in 2 days.

Ross: ok! Well thanks for the offer.

James: you are welcome, bye!

Ross: bye!

~end of conversation~

-hmm... That was weird, but I'm glad I'm having that movie offer, can't wait to see my female partner.

~in the Marano's house~

Laura POV:

-I was really nervous and excited so I talked to my mom.

Ellen: so..

Laura: I got an offer for a new movie called "time goes fast"! And I don't know if I need to take the offer..

Ellen: oh.. Congratulations! Take the offer!

Laura: seriously!

Ellen: yea, have fun making that movie, and you are 18, so you are free.

Laura: aww! Thanks mom!

-I gave her a big hug and called James-


James: yea?

Laura: umm.. Hey this is Laura Marano

James: oh hey! So..

Laura: I accept!

James: are you 100% sure?

Laura: yea why?

James: oh nothing, the tickets and the details of the movie will be send in 2 days.

Laura: ok!

James: well.. Bye!

Laura: bye!

~end of conversation~

-yes! I'm super excited! He sounded very suspicious, but seriously I can't believe I just had a movie offer!

*ok so mainly this chapter is about how they accept their movie offers, it will be exciting in the next chapters, how they meet? And we will know, why James was acting very strange. Why do you think he was like that? COMMENT! 😏 -sasha 💕

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