chapter 17

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After Nightmare left and (m/n) I immediately took the ink given by the ink if there was a problem, I then broke it where the ink was on the ground making purple ink spread to the floor.

then from the purple ink came out ink with a panicked face "what's wrong sci!?" asked ink worried.

"ni-nightmare-" before I could say anything Ink grabbed me and took me to his base.

me and he fell making everyone in the base shocked "oww!! ink you can give the signal first before pulling me away." I said annoyed.

"hehe sorry." said ink while rubbing his head.

I then stood up and cleaned my clothes then I saw dream, blue, classic, and fell? "Wait fell? why are you here?" I asked.

"I've been out of them ... they are more too violent in my opinion including nightmares." replied fell while averting his gaze.

I nodded then Dream approached me "So what's wrong sci? Why are you here?" asked dream.

"Ah yes!! I wanted to say that nightmare came after you guys left but it seems he already suspected (m/n) and kidnapped him again." I answered.

then suddenly everyone went silent with their blackened eye sockets, then classic came up to me and grabbed my shoulder "Tell us all how did this happen!?" said classic.

"Okay I'll explain everything!!" I said.

then I told them all about how nightmares came and said about ( m/n) recalling his memories then nightmares that threatened friends ( m/n).

"It was like that... and before (m/n) disappeared he signaled me something that said 'Tell them all this and change plans'." I said.

"Looks like we have no other choice... nightmare seems to be doing something to him now and we have to think of a plan as soon as possible." said ink.

we all nodded then we all worked out a rescue plan for ( m/n).

"I hope he's okay." I thought worried.

( m/n) POV

I opened my eyes slowly my body felt very sore and weak, I then realized that I was now in a room that I did not know.

"It's quite dark here and ... why does my body feel like someone is hugging me from behind." I thought.

then i slowly get back my body and see nightmare!? "What is this!? Why is he here-" I then stopped my thoughts as I remembered everything that happened to me.

I felt my cheeks heat up and also my body trembled a little "he...he really went too far!? Lucky he didn't do more and just did that." I thought nervously.

I then tried my best to get out of his arms and luck was on me, I then slowly stood up and walked towards the bathroom as fast as I could.

after being in the bathroom I immediately looked in the mirror and saw a mark on my neck making my cheeks blush even more "the punishment is very cruel." I thought glumly.

Flash back:

I kept muttering to ask Nightmare to stop what he was doing to me but it only got closer.

"I told you to be good boy and silent boy." he muttered.

"( n/n)!! swap!! please save me!?" I thought sadly.

"I'm sorry (m/n) we can't!!" say swap.

"We can only pray for your safety!!" say (n/n).

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