Ticking Time Bomb

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~72 Hours Later~

"Mr King ! Put the gun down slowly, turn around and face the wall !"

They shouted. The blue and red sirens lit up the area.

"Dispatch, this is Officer Taylor, we need an ambulance at...."

He had completely zoned out, everything was moving in slow motion. His hands trembled with the body and gun in his hand.

"Mr King! We don't want to shoot, please surrender" .They kept shouting and he fell to his knees, still holding the body in his hand. This wasn't real, this was just a bad dream and He needed to be waken up. Right?

72 hours earlier

"Jess I need something drink I'm thirsty"

"Yeah me too, they have punch over there" I pointed towards the drinks table.

"You think they have liquor in it?"

"I doubt it, you see who's serving "

We squeezed our way through the sweaty crowd and hot bodies. In the corner of my eye i could see Dayna and Cory going at it. I paid them no mind, I was so over them.

"Soda or punch?" Ms Clarkson asked.

"Punch please"

"Coming right Up"

"You two look really beautiful"

"Thank you Stefan" Chelsea thanked him

"Where yall dates at?"

"You're looking at it" I pointed to both Chelsea and I

"Wait, so yall lesbians now ?"

"Mhmmm, you bet" Chelsea said and I went along with it. I grabbed her left breast and she spanked my butt.

"I meannn, is there room for one more?" He asked

"Bye Stefan" I playfully wacked him with my bag, he literally just had a kid and he still was being a whore.

"Here you go" Ms. Clarkson handed us our drinks.

"Lets go sit over there, the music is quieter" Chelsea suggested and I followed behind her.

"I cant believe it... we're actually to prom"

"I know right, its almost the end of one chapter while we enter the next" she said

"What school do you think you're going too?

"I have no idea, probably The University of Chicago"

"So you're gonna stay here?" I asked and she nodded.

"Our goal was to graduate, go to college and move in together, or did you forget that?"


"Sorry... I still feel some type of way. You're moving twelve hours away and Our plans are ruined because of him" she rolled her eyes




"You actually have nothing to say to defend him? Shocker"

"Ive been keeping my distance" I sipped my punch hoping she would change the topic.

"Why ? What he do ? I bet he found a boyfriend in there "

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