Chapter 4

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"Yes! I'm finally done." Dalani said lying on her suitcase.

"I'm so ready to see my babies! I miss them so much. Even though I'm back at work tomorrow,I'm still happy. I love working at the diner." Luciana said smiling.

"It's only been a week,girl." Dalani laughed.

"And what an amazing week it was because of you." Luciana said kissing her sister on the cheek."Ready to checkout, Lani?"

 "No. But too bad we have to."Dalani said poking her lip out.

"I know,huh? Paradise was nice while it lasted. Wish I could live like this everyday."

"I don't see who wouldn't." Dalani said walking up to her sister. She put both of her hands on Luciana's shoulders. "When you walk back into that house today,I want you to remember everything I've told you. Try to keep a smile while you're at it,okay?"



"I promise,geesh." Luciana said laughing. They drove for about three hours. They spent the whole time going on about all the fun they'd had. Dalani and Luciana both got out of the car and looked up at the house. Luciana took out her keys and looked at Dalani.

"Are you coming in?"

"Um..I'd rather not. I don't know what terms I'm on with Mama and Papa,so I'm just going to head home. Give the kids a hug and kiss for me though!"

"Will do."

"Bring them over sometime,you hear? Keep in contact with me too, you know we live like thirty minutes away from eachother!"

"Okay,Lani. I'll be calling you later today!" Luciana said hugging Dalani. They said their final goodbyes and Dalani was off. Luciana was hesitant opening the door,but she knew she had to face the music sooner or later.

"CiCi!!" her two sisters and two brothers said running up to her.

"Hey guys!" she said smothering them in hugs and kisses. "I've missed you! Did you guys have fun with Julio?"

"Yeah they did!" Her brother Julio said walking up to her giving her a hug.

"Aww,hey Julio!"

"Luciana?!" A voice said coming from upstairs. Luciana sighed,it was her mother starting with her already. She went up the stairs into her mother's room to find her laying there with a bottle of vodka on her chest. Luciana rolled her eyes at the sight of her mother. "You called me,Marcia?"

" your mother." she said dragging her words out.Luciana hated calling her mama, mainly because she didn't feel like one to her at all.

"What you are is drunk. Call me when you're sober enough to speak like a normal human should." Her mother began yelling words that she couldn't make out,so Luciana just closed her door.She ran back down the stairs frustrated. Her mother really knew how to upset her.

"I don't know how we put up with that woman." Luciana told Julio shaking her head.

"Me neither," he said. "Oh,and by the way, Papa says he's visiting a friend for a few days. He left about an hour agao. Mama's friend is picking her up to go somewhere tonight, I guess."

"I find it amazing how they can maintain friends being in the condition they're in."

"Their so-called friends are probably just as messed up as they are."

Luciana shook her head. She was ashamed of her parents and knew there had to be some change soon. Her 7-year old sister was tugging at her pantsleg. "Cici , Cici!" "What's up Julissa?" "Tell us about your trip Cici!" "You really want to know about it?" Luciana said teasing her. "Yeah! Me,Daniella,Marco, and Armando want to! Was it fun??" "How about you sit on the couch and I'll tell you guys all about it?" All four of them sat on the couch and Luciana sat in front of them.

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