Chapter 26

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May 20, 1994

Dalani had decided to come and visit Luciana at her home. She knew Luciana had been dealing with depression since her split with Michael, and wanted to help her in any way possible. She took out a spare key that Luciana had given her and opened the door. "Cici? Hello?" Dalani walked into Luciana's bedroom astonished at the sight of her sister sprawled across her bed with a large bottle of alcohol next to her. "What the hell?!"

Luciana slowly opened her eyes and sat up in her bed. "I  can explain."

"You're drunk. What the heck happened to your lip? It looks busted." Luciana ran into the bathroom and began to vomit. Dalani ran into the kitchen and brought her a glass of water. "Drink this." Luciana took the cup of water and held it in her trembling hands. "Now, tell me what's up."

"He hit me," Luciana said dragging her words out.

"Who the hell is he and why did he hit you?!"

"I wouldn't have sex with him, so he hit me."



"Luciana, tell me who hit you." Luciana shook her head back and forth. Dalani rolled her eyes and sighed. She grabbed a rag and ran it under cold water. She dabbed Luciana's face lightly. "When you're ready to discuss this, let me know."

After about two hours, Luciana finally decided to retrieve from the bathroom to talk to her sister. She walked into the living room where Dalani was watching television. "Hey."

"Come on. Come sit next to me."

Luciana sighed and plopped down on the couch next to her. "Man, I am so messed up."

"Are you feeling better?"

"I guess. My head is really hurting, though."

"You almost drunk a whole bottle liquor, girl. How long have you been drinking like this?"

"It started after the whole split with Michael. More has happened since then that's triggered it even more."

"Does this relate to your lip in any way?"



"I've been talking to this guy. He's been comforting since my engagement broke off. I guess he started developing stronger feelings for me. I wasn't really feeling what he was, but it was obvious that's what he wanted. We were kissing and he tried putting his hand in my pants. I wasn't having it. I kept telling him to stop repeatedly and he just was not listening to me. I pushed him off of me and I guess he took it upon himself to punch me."

"What the hell? Who does he think he is?"

"I don't know. Once he saw blood coming from my lip, he started apologizing to me. I slapped him and made a run for it."

"When did this happen?"

"About one o'clock this morning. We had just come back from a party for a friend of his."

"Could you tell me who did this? Please."

Luciana took a deep breath. "Eric did it."

"Oh mi querido dios! Why didn't you tell me you were seeing Eric?"

"I wanted to give him a chance without anybody doubting him."

"Look at where it got you!"

"I know.."

"Has he hit you any other times besides this morning?"

"No. He's broken a few glasses, though. His anger problems are absolutely out of control."

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