Chapter 30

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December 25, 1995

It was a chilly Christmas day. Luciana was spending her holiday with her family and relatives. She spent hours in the kitchen helping her mother prepare the meals. "Okay Mama, taste this." She gave Marcia a spoonful of Spanish rice.

"Mmm! Perfecto, mi hija."

The doorbell rang twice. Luciana dropped her spoon and shouted. "I'll get it!" She ran to the door and opened it. She gave her brother-in-law, Rico, a hug and kissed Dalani's cheek. "Hey, Cici!" Luciana kissed her niece on the cheek several times.

"Look at her! She's getting so big! Most of the food is ready in the kitchen, so you guys can help yourselves."

Luciana's younger sister tapped her on the shoulder. "Busy?"

"Nope. What's up, Dani?"

"Want to play a game with us?"

"Sounds like you guys are having fun down there. Yeah, I'll be down in a second."

Luciana untied her apron and hung it up on a rack. She ran down the steps and hopped into the circle they formed. "Whatcha playin'?"

"Uno," her brother Marco said.

"Hmm.. I never played Uno with teenagers and preteens before. You guys just might pass me up."

"We just might!" Her sister Julissa smirked at her.

Luciana glanced over to a picture above the television of she and Michael on their first Christmas together. She felt it was pointless that her parents had kept it there after she'd given them the picture, but she decided she wasn't going to worry about it.

Her brother Armando saw the look on Luciana's face after she'd glanced at the picture. "Luciana, can I ask you a question? Luce?"

"Huh? Sorry, I mean sure."

"What happened between you and Michael anyway? We never even got to meet him."

Luciana sighed. "It's complicated. But he has a new wife now." She put on a fake smile.

"I thought you were going to get married."

"Things just didn't work out, okay? I'm sorry you guys never got to meet him."

"Armando," Julissa put both her hands up. "Stop. She obviously doesn't want to talk about it."

Luciana put her arm around Julissa. "Thanks. It's all good."

Luciana's cousin Victoria ran down the steps with a grin on her face. "Luciana! Get up here!"

Luciana gave her cousin a puzzled look and followed her up the stairs with her brothers and sisters following behind. Victoria increased the radio's volume so everyone could hear.

At number one on Radio Musical Española, Luciana Santiago with her newest song, Baile!

Luciana squealed along with her family. Julio picked her up and spun her around. "Dios mío! I can't believe it!" Luciana went around receiving all the hugs and kisses from her family. They were all dancing in jubilee as her  now, number one song played repeatedly.

January 2, 1996

Luciana had an interview with Diane Sawyer. Luciana was nervous, this only being her second interview. She walked out on stage and waved to the applauding crowd. She sat down and crossed her legs.

"Well hello, Luciana. How are you today?"

Luciana took a deep breath and landed her hands on her lap. "I'm great!"

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