Chapter 45-Renewals and New Beginnings (part two.)

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Michael's POV

I found Lupita walking with seven kids on her arms. "Okay, guys. Wait wait wait." I lightly tapped her on the shoulder.

"I'll take Prince and Paris off your hands now," I chuckled.

"Oh okay," she waved to us. "See you guys on the dance floor!" She smiled.

"Thank you again."

"It's no problem." She was quickly pulled away by her nieces and nephews.

I made my way back to our table, holding both my children's hands. "Did you guys have a nice time?"

"Yes," they both smiled at me.

Once I'd gotten back to my table, all the seats that were once empty were now filled. Luciana's face lit up when she saw both Prince and Paris headed her way.

"My babies!" She squealed.

"Lucey!" They screamed in unison.

Luciana hugged them both tightly and sat them on her lap. "How are you guys?"

"Good," they said in unison.

"I'm glad," she smiled and planted kisses on both their cheeks, which made them giggle. I smiled at the sight, and took my seat once again. I heard a mic beginning to make a screeching noise. The children in the area immediately screamed at the sound, while some adults slightly cringed. It was fixed within seconds.

"Sorry," said a man on the stage. I wasn't sure who he was, but I had a feeling he was one of Pablo's brothers. "Anyway, on the behalf the King and Queen of the night, I'd like to say thank you all for coming out tonight to see such an event take place."

Instant clapping and cheering became rowdy amongst the crowd.

"Alright, alright. Settle down," he laughed. "These two have been together since they were sixteen years old. That's a long time, am I right? Them suckers are old now." The crowd laughed. "But anyway, in the midst of their struggle, they've over come a lot. These two have ridden quite a rollercoaster, but today, they are new people. They're going back to them 'ole school days. That high school mushy love stuff," he laughed.

"Get off the stage!" Julio joked as everyone laughed.

"Very funny," the man sarcastically spoke. "Are they ready?" He spoke to someone from behind the curtain, failing to whisper. "Okay. I now introduce to you, Pablo and Marcia Santiago!"

Cheers roared amongst the crowd. They soon after got a standing ovation from every guest. Marcia was covering her mouth with tears coming down her eyes. The mic was handed to Pablo as the guest started to take their seats.

"Aw, look. Marcia has a sensitive side. Who knew?" Pablo teased her as the crowd laughed. She managed to stop her tears and laughed along with them. "No, but on a serious note, I love this woman. We've been together since we were sixteen years old, but never have we had a connection this strong. Now that I think about it, it's truly something I'm not proud of. Marcia is one hell of a woman, and she deserved better. I was careless, so that's what she became. The love was no longer there. We took it out on our children. But those children.. those blessings.. they're the glue that held us together and brought us back together. Could all my children in the room just stand please? Let's hear it for them."

The crowd clapped as Luciana, Dalani, Daniella, Julissa, Marco, Armando, and Julio stood to their feet.

"Beautiful," Pablo smiled with pride. "Despite the lack of affection we showed them, they believed in us. Lord knows Marcia and I ain't the therapist type, but 'cha gottas do what 'cha gotta do, right?" He laughed. "It wasn't only our attitudes that needed checking, but our relationship had fallen apart. Today, I look at this beautiful woman and say dang, she's smokin' hot and I ain't letting her go," the crowd laughs as Marcia rests her head on Pablo's shoulder. "Anybody who's gotta partner in the room right now, tell them you love them everyday. Don't stop communicating. Love each other. You never know when it might be your last time seeing them, so don't live your life regretting something that should've been done initially." Pablo plants a kiss on his wife's forhead, and Marcia is blushing. 

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