Chapter 8

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Luciana was packing her bags getting ready to head back to work. She didn't want to leave, but she knew she had to. She was afraid of falling in love, she couldn't take being hurt. But she knew he'd never do that to her, and she felt that she was now in love with Michael. She headed out of the door and popped open her trunk pushing her bags in. Michael was standing by the doors watching her. She walked over to him and smiled.

"I know how much I've thanked you, punish me." she laughed." But thank you again for this, I really had an amazing time. Like, really. This is the most happy I've been in a long time."

He smiled at her,"I'll miss you."

She felt her heart sink,she didn't know when the next time she saw him would be, or even if there would be a next time. She hid all of what she was thinking through her facial expressions with a smile and said,"I'll miss you too." He pulled her body in close to his and planted a soft kiss on her lips. She couldn't stop blushing. They ended up kissing again, and more passionately the second time. Luciana looked at her watch."Crap! I really gotta get going."

"Okay,well..I'll try to call you whenever I can."

"Okay!" she said blowing a kiss to him and hopping inside of her car. She hated saying goodbye to him, and he felt the same way. Her whole ride home she was thinking about him, she just couldn't stop.'I think I'm in love with this guy' she said to herself. She just hoped she was thinking the right things at the right time. She remembered Michael saying he was falling hard for her, ad she kept repeating that sentence in her head over and over.

She drove back to her house to change into her uniform. She didn't know what to expect walking into the house. She hadn't spoken to anyone about where she'd been, or how long she'd be there. She opened the door and her mother was on the couch, smoking a cigarette. Luciana ran right past her and up the stairs hoping she wouldn't say anything. Once she'd changed into her uniform, she came back down the stairs, and mother was standing at the foot of the stairs.

"Want to explain?" Marcia said.

"I have nothing to explain to you. I'm a grown woman, I have a vehicle. I have freedom to go wherever I please. Stop acting like it matters to you where I've been. You don't even care about me. I'm just a retarded slut anyway, right?" she said storming out of the door. Her mother was speechless. Luciana just let that moment fly pass her mind, she didn't care.

Later on that night when she got back home, she called her sister, Dalani. "Hello?" she said picking up the phone.

"Hey Dalani, it's Luciana. Did I wake you?"

"Actually,no. I'm having trouble sleeping. What's up?"

"Could I come over? I want to bring the kids too."

"Aren't they sleeping?"

"Yeah, they'll get to sleep as soon as they get there. I just want to get out of here for a couple of days. Plus, I need to talk to you."

"Is everything okay?"

"I'm fine, just please let me come over."

Dalani took a deep sigh. "Okay. Just knock when you get here, my doorbell's not working."

"Okay,thanks." She went over to the couch where her father was sleeping. She shook his shoulder. "Pa. Pa, wake up."

"W-what's the problem?" he said trying to open his eyes.

"I'm going to Dalani's for a few days, the kids are coming with me."

"Why are you-"

"Please, Pa. Just trust me on this."

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