Chapter 20

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July 16th, 1993

Luciana had received a call from her mother inviting her out to dinner. She gladly accepted the offer and met her at an Italian restaurant nearby. She got to the restaurant at about eight o'clock in the evening, very excited to see her mother again.Luciana walked up to the podium to check her reservation. The man standing behind smiled and spoke. "You're Ms. Santiago, correct?" "That's me." "Swell. Margaret, would you kindly seat are special guest?" The woman nodded and flashed Luciana a bright smile. "Yes sir. Right this way, miss. Big fan of yours." "Aww, thanks. Mama!" Luciana walked up to her mother and gave her a hug. Her mother laughed and kissed her on the cheek. "My Lucy! Howe are you honey?" Luciana sat down as her smile brightened. "I've been fantastic. What about you? I'm living this uplifted spirit your carrying."

"Well, Luciana, I'm happy. I've got family back! It's just really good to have this second chance."

"Well, I'm proud of you, Mama."

The waitress walked up to their table and waved. "Hello. I'm Catalina and I will be your server today. It's always good to see you Marcia. Can I start you guys off with something to drink or do you need a few minutes?" Marcia closed her menu and handed it to her.

"I'll have a water and the usual, Cat."

"Yes ma'am. And for you, miss?"

"Oh Lucy, you have to try their lasagna. It's the best."

"Alrighty then. I'll have the lasagna and a water too."

"Very well."

"Thanks, Cat!" Marcia waved to her.

"Really mom? You have nicknames for the waiters? You must come here every other day."

"Well,hey! I love Italian. So, talk to me. What've you been up to lately?"

"Well, I've gotten a few job offers. They're holding auditions for a sitcom in LA in January of next year. They want me to audition. The guy who recorded some of my songs for the movie wants to work with me on trying to become a singer."

"That's amazing! You interested?"

"I am, I just need some more time to think. I don't want to rush it."

"I understand. I'm excited to see your movie."

"I'm excited too. I'm looking forward to seeing the turnout."

"Good. I'm really glad you're getting this chance to show your talents to the world. I'm really proud of you."

"Thanks, ma. Have you seen Dalani or Julio since the Mexico trip?"

"Yeah, I've met up with them individually too. I can't believe I'm a grandmother."

"Hey, at least you look good."

"Well, thank you, thank you." She laughed. Marcia opened her mouth and pointed to Luciana's left hand. "Am I nuts, or do I see a ring on your ring finger?"

"You're not nuts," she smiled.

"You're getting married?!"

"Shh, the world doesn't need to know yet, mom."

"Sorry. When did this happen?"

"Not to long ago. Actually the night I flew back to LA."

"Okay, you have to tell me everything!"

"Could you keep this between you and I? I don't want everyone in the family knowing. Business spreads pretty fast in our family."

"You have my word. What about your father?"

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