Chapter 24

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Luciana was at Neverland, alone. She had just received a phone call from her close friend, Vincent, who was a record producer. He invited Luciana to come down to his studio to show him what songs she'd been working on. As Luciana was headed out of the door, the house phone rang. She ran eagerly to catch it, assuming it was Michael's lady friend.

"Hello?" A deep woman's voice answered.

"Hi. Who's calling?"

"Oh, you must be Luciana."

"Yeah, that's me. Who are you?"

"Michael's friend, Lisa."

"Lisa who?"


"You're Elvis' kid, aren't you?"

"Yeah, I am.."

"Okay, miss Lisa. What is it you were calling Michael for?"

"He told me he wanted me to call me, and this happens to be the only time I'm available today."

"Is there something going on between you two that I should know about?"

"What? No, no, no. There's nothing you need to be worried about. Michael and I are just friends."

"I hear him say your name over the phone a lot. He even locks the door sometimes. Sounds like a little bit more than friendship is what's going on."

"I can assure you that it's not. I have to go."

Luciana hung up the phone and slowly walked away. She felt like saying more, but she decided to let it go.

Once Luciana had arrived at Vincent's studio, she sat down in a chair and started going over her music. Vincent walked in and gave Luciana a long hug. "How have you been baby girl?"

"I've been okay. Just trying to focus on the more important things, you know? I really need to get my life together."

"I hear you. You just get to that moment where it seems like reality just gave you a giant smack in the face."


"So, show me what you've been writing! I'm ready to hear this."

"Awesome. Could you read these two songs for me and tell me what you think? I've been working my hardest on these."

"Sure thing, kiddo." Vincent started going through her music and began smiling an nodding his head. "Come to the piano, now."

Luciana grinned and followed Vincent to his piano. "You like them?"

"This one stood out to me right here. Empty."

"What do you like most about it?"

"The lyrics are fantastic. I mean it really sounds like you're passionate about this guy. I can tell you've been working hard on this."

"Really? That means so much coming from you. Thanks, Vinny."

"You don't have to answer this question, but I'm curious. Did you write this song for someone in particular?"

Luciana sighed. "My fiancé. This song held such a special place in my heart. It had such a true meaning to me, but.."

"Why are you saying everything in past tense?"

"I just- I don't know."

"You want to talk about it?"

"Do you mind?"

"Not at all. Tellme what's up."

"It just seems like we don't trust each other anymore. He's been conversing with another woman more so than with me. Sometimes I go and lay on the sofa at night because I don't want him to hear me cry. It's becoming a quieter atmosphere.. I don't know how this all just happened. It's becoming too much for me though. I love him. I love him with all of my heart. But I guess maybe it just wasn't meant to be. This distance is just something I can't take anymore. I think I'm going to call off the wedding.."

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