Chapter 22

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It was a bright Christmas morning. Luciana and Michael's close friend, Elizabeth Taylor, were planning to give Michael his first Christmas. Being brought up and raised a Jehovah's Witness, Michael had never celebrated holidays. Luciana and Elizabeth had decorated all of Neverland in Christmas decor. Before waking Michael, Elizabeth said a few words into a camera that would be used to capture that day's moments.

"It is 1993, and this will be Michael Jackson's very first Christmas. It has taken me, I would think about five years of talking him into celebrating Christmas at Neverland, because I understood that if you were a Jehovah's Witness, they don't celebrate Christmas. When he quit being a Jehovah's Witness, I said to Michael, I think Christmas is a wonderful way of celebrating love. It's a celebration of love. And I can't see Christmas without Michael, or Michael without Christmas."

Luciana smiled. "Mind if I say something?" She asked.

"Of course not. Go Ahead, sweetheart."

She turned to face the camera and waved. "Hi, Mikey!" She laughed. "I absolutely agree 100% with what Elizabeth said. I hope you enjoy and cherish this wonderful day to come for the rest of your life. I love you, papi."

They walked up to his bedroom as Elizabeth knocked. "Michael! It's the spirit of Christmas coming to haunt you." Luciana covered her mouth with laughter. Not long after, Michael came out of his room dressed in his red pajamas. He had a look of shock on his face as he looked at all the Christmas decor. "It's beautiful," he said. He gave Elizabeth a hug and gave Luciana a peck on her lips. They all opened presents and enjoyed their time together.

Michael handed Luciana a gift with her name on it. "For me?" She asked with her hand on her chest. He laughed at her reaction. "Yes, it's for you." She laughed and opened her gift. "Oh, yeah! A Super-Soaker! Never would've guessed. I'm going to be kicking your rear in the future with this thing. Prepare yourself."

"You know you always end up dropping your gun and running away."

"Well, this is the new and improved Luciana."

"If you say so," he laughed.

"Mhm, you'll see. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to run to the restroom really quick." Luciana flashed them a smile and walked away. Elizabeth turned to Michael and placed her hand on his knee.

"How are you feeling about this girl, Michael? She seems like such a sweetheart."

"I love her. I really do. She means the world to me. I'm really worried about her, though."

"Why are you worried?"

"I can tell she's living in fear."

"In fear of what exactly?"

"I think she's scared her ex-boyfriend's trying to enter her life again. She's afraid of him. She's living her life as a celebrity now. He could be watching her and she's afraid he'll come after her if she doesn't do what she wants him to."

"How'd you figure all of this out?"

"It all just adds up, Liz."

"You need to talk to her about it."

"Whenever he's mentioned it just turns into an argument."

"That doesn't matter, Michael. If you're concerned then you need to let her know. Make sure she's alright and comfort her. She sounds like she needs it."

"You're right.."

"What is she so afraid of?"

"He physically and sexually abused her when she was about sixteen. After she became pregnant he abandoned her. Her daughter passed away in less than two years after being born. He was never there for her. Now that they've seen each other again he wants a second chance. She doesn't know how to say no and she finds it easier to say nothing at all."

"Wow, she's been through a lot. You don't have to tell her tonight, but you have to make sure you say something soon. This is a serious matter and it needs to be discussed. "Luciana walked back into the room. The two of them gave her a puzzled look, because it seemed to them as if she'd been crying. "Are you feeling alright, dear?"

"Yes ma'am! Why wouldn't I be? I hope you guys didn't open anything without me."

Michael was concerned, but he decided he'd ask her about it later. He could tell that she wasn't up to discussing what had been bothering her.

Later on in the evening, Michael and Luciana were sitting on the floor conversing. Luciana sat her drink on the table and smiled at him. "I'm proud of you for doing all of this."

"Thank you, but I still feel pretty guilty."

"You shouldn't. You're not a Jehovah's Witness anymore. I know it's hard to adjust to new things but I'm glad you finally came through. You deserved every single bit of what happened today."

"Thank you." He kissed her forehead and pecked her lips. "I'll be right back."

Luciana could see Michael was heading towards the bathroom and grew frightened. She balled her fist up and started pounding her forehead. "Luciana, you idiot!" She yelled aloud. She started drinking rapidly and tried to calm herself down.

She heard Michael's footsteps and tried not to look in his direction. He sat in front of her and held both her hands. "Luciana, look at me." She lifted her head up slowly. "Is there something you're not telling me?"

"You saw it, didn't you?"

He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. " Why didn't you tell me about this?"

My mother is always telling me I show common symptoms of pregnancy. I just decided I would take a test just to make sure."


"It was negative. I know we haven't really discussed children, but after taking that test it did come to mind that we should."

"I was afraid of bringing it up. I didn't know if you were ready to become a mother again."

"I want to. This time, I want to know for sure that my child's father will be apart of their life. We don't have to start trying, but I thought I'd at least get that off my chest."

"I'll be here for you whenever you're ready to talk about this. Don't keep things like that from me."

"I won't. I promise. I overheard some of your conversation with Elizabeth earlier. You were right about what you said about me. I always try and act like everything's okay when it's not." She suddenly grew sad as small tears formed in her eyes. "I don't know what tricks he has up his sleeve now, but I know what he's capable of. When he says that he's different, I want to believe it. I want to be able to open myself up to at least becoming his friend. I'm just scared he'll take advantage of that chance I'm giving him to try and do something else. But my conscious is just tugging on my sleeve reminding me that everyone deserves a second chance."

"You're right. Everyone deserves a chance to prove themselves worthy of what they want you to believe. Although, you just can't completely leave yourself open. You can easily be taken advantage of that way."

"Because it'll make me seem gullible?"


"Would you allow me to give Eric this chance?"

"I don't want you to. If this could mean losing you I-"

"What? No way. He'd never come between us. As a matter of fact, I just want to let it go for right now. It's killing me. I'm always thinking negative, negative, negative. I need to stop that. If I'm trying to stay a happier person, I need to be more positive. I need to start focusing on the more important things, like you and me."

"I'm glad to hear you talk like this. Just settle down on don't stress yourself so much."

"I won't. And you know what? Why don't I start relieving some of that stress right" She winked at him. Michael giggled and bit his lip.

"What exactly are you planning on, girl?" Luciana grabbed his hand and pulled him up.

"Why don't you folow me down to the 'ole bedroom, sir. I think you'll catch on."

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