Chapter 40

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December 27th, 1999

Luciana arrived at Michael's home at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. She held her purse on her arm and reached for the doorbell. She tapped her foot impatiently. Michael opened the door nearly a quick 12 seconds after and let her in.

They embraced in a hug and released with smiling faces.

"I'm glad you could make it," Michael smiled.

"Of course. Well, lead the way," Luciana giggled.

They walked side by side with the clicking if their shoes being in sync with one another's.

"Wow," Luciana looked around, admiring the artwork. She sighed.

"What's wrong?"

"Hmm? Oh, I'm fine. Where are Prince and Paris?"

"They're sleeping right now."

"Awww," she admired a picture of Michael and his children. "You have beautiful children."

"Thank you," he smiled.

Michael opened the door to the studio. He sat down and spun a revolving chair to Luciana. She sat down and spun in circular motion.

"Are these baby monitors?" She laughed .

"Yeah," he chuckled. "They really come in handy."

"You aren't kidding," she sighed. "I remember having one by my bedside, looking at the clock at three a.m. to attend to her needs. Mommy's coming!" She laughed. "I miss that."

Michael sighed. "I'm sorry."

"There's no need to be sorry.  Reflecting on memories like that helps get me through the day sometimes," she smiled to herself.

"I couldn't imagine."

"After a while it starts to sink in. Maybe God took her from me for a reason. I miss her so much, but I Denise is in good hands now. She doesn't have to suffer anymore. I regret having done some things in front of her she should've never seen. Her father and I arguing over simple things and him beating me because of it... she never knew what was going on. But it's done now. My baby is resting in peace."

Michael smiled. "I think she would be so proud of you."

"I hope so. Her smile brights up my day. She leaves me in awe every time I look at her. I treasure her baby book so much."

"I know that feeling. That's something you should never let go."

"I couldn't if I tried. She means everything to me."

Michael smiled. "I can tell."

"Yeah," Luciana sighed. "So what was it you wanted to show me?"

"Right. Well technically I don't have anything to show you. I have an idea to propose."

"Alright, go ahead."

"That song you wrote about us.."



"Yeah, what about it?"

"You left a sheet of notebook paper in my drawer with the lyrics on it. I read it recently and remembered how much I loved it. I think we could do something with it."

"I'm listening.."

"How about it? A duet, you and me."

"Just think about all the eyebrows that would raise."

"It's not guaranteed this song will make it anywhere outside of this very room."

"Hmmm," Luciana smiled. "I'm all down for it!"

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