Chapter 11

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"Why did you do this? What on Earth made you think you could just come and bust up my van like this? Break my windows? Wreck my home? You have an explanation for this? Because I'd love to hear it! You know what? Better yet, I'm calling the police." Luciana said screaming trying to run back into the house. Eric reached and grabbed her arm pulling her into his chest. "Stop! You think this is a game, but it's not. This has gone too far. How the hell did you even find me?! This doesn't add up." she said snatching her arm away from his grip. "Don't touch me, don't touch my kids, and don't touch my family. Stay away from me. I'm getting a restraining order against you. You're an absolute pshyco!"

"Baby, listen." Eric said calmly.

"What did you just call me? Baby my butt! You waked out on me when I was sixteen years old raising our child Eric, sixteen! Do you know how hard life was for me? You didn't even show up to Denise's funeral! You didn't give a pig's bum about me or your daughter! Take your sorry ass home and get away from me!" she said taking out her cellphone trying to call the police.

"Call them if you want, but I'm the one with the gun."

"What-What are you talking about?"

Eric held the gun up and pointed it towards Luciana. "Still wanna call the police? Go ahead, Be my guest."

"Why are you doing this..put the gun down, Eric.."

"Stay with me."

"I said put the gun down!" Luciana screamed and woke up from her nightmare. She couldn't believe how clear a dream could come out, and was completely frightened by it. She held her hand against her chest and was breathing excessively hard. She was in a huge state of shock and didn't know how to collect herself. She looked over at Michael to see him still sleeping. She rested her head back on the bed's headboard and held her legs with her arms. She brought her focus back to what had happened the night before. She smiled at the thought of it, and remembered she told him that she loved him. She slapped her forhead and mouthed to herslef 'what were you thinking?' She was scared of what Michael would think, or if he'd even be thinking about it. She felt it was the right timing, but she feared she'd made a mistake. Her mind was running a marathon of thoughts, and she didn't know how to stop it.

Luciana got out of the bed and into the bathroom to wash her face. She looked at herself in the mirror and sighed. She was tired of stress build up, not from people, but the stress barrier she put on herself. She was thinking she had a chance to be happy, and that chance was for her and Michael to be together. She just didn't know how it would work, but she felt it was a must do. Her phone started ringing on the counter. She put her reading glasses on and answered the phone.


"Hey.." a deep voice said. She recognized her brother Julio's voice in an instant.

"Julio? What's up?"

"I was just calling to make sure you were okay."

"When I told you I was fine, I meant it, Julio. Thanks for looking out though."

"Are you seeing that Eric guy again?"

Luciana felt her heart drop to her stomach. She grew frightened by the mention of his name. "What? No, I don't even know where he is, I have't seen him since high school. Why would you ask me that?"

"It was just a thought, calm down. Are you feeling okay? You sound like you're revved up or something. You're acting a little on the spacy side, Luce."

Luciana sighed,"Julio, you don't understand. There's just alot on my mind right now."

"Maybe I would understand if you'd just tell me. You're living life so..secretive now. We used to tell eachother everything. Do you not trust me anymore?"

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