Chapter 39 (Luciana's POV) Unfinished Business.

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December 26th, 1999

I woke up to the sun beating right through my window. I placed my hand just above my eyebrows to block the sun, which wasn't much help at all. I lower the covers off of me and walk over to the window.

Not a sound. I'm still in one piece. I carefully tiptoe down the steps and retrieve a pan from the kitchen. My eyes roamed everywhere.

I step outside with my pan still in hand. "Hello?" I call. Nothing. "I must be going crazy," I say to myself. I walk back into the house, closing the door behind me.

I rubbed my eyes with both hands, trying to wake myself up. I walked over to the phone and retrieved it from the receiver. I dialed Carlos' number. Carlos answers on the third ring.

"Hello?" He answers.

"Hey," I say without recognizing my raspy tone.

"You sound tired," he says.

I sigh. "I just woke up."

"At two in the afternoon?"

I look at my clock, irritated. " I didn't even notice," I giggle.

"Sure you didn't. How was your Christmas?"

"It was great." I continuously overlap my thumbs. "Yours?"

"I had a nice time. My family came out here. I've missed you though."

I sighed. "Carlos, it's only been a week."

"A week is a long time."

I thought about how long Michael and I were apart. "Yeah, when you think about it. I guess it just flew by pretty fast."

"You're not going to tell me you missed me?"

I roll my eyes and sigh. "Sorry, Carlos. I missed you."

He laughed. "You sure don't sound like you do."

"..I do," I hesitated.

I hear a voice on the other line that sounds like a female's. "Who are you talking to?" She says. "Come back upstairs."

Carlos doesn't respond to her inquiry. I'm shocked. "Can I call you back?" He says.

"I guess," I sigh. "Can I come over later?"

"Give me an hour."

"Well by-" I'm cut off my an extended beep. I rolled my eyes. "Okay then," I say to myself.

I glance back at the clock. I roll my eyes once more. What is that boy up to? I feel like I should be worried, but then again, I don't.

What Carlos and I have is hard for me to explain. We kiss and we hold hands, but never have we confirmed an actual relationship. I'm confused, I guess. I should've ended this a long time ago. I kept telling myself it was time to move on, but something was always pulling me back.

I constantly heard my conscience reminding me of the promise that Michael made me some years ago. He told me we'd work it out and that we'd start over. I honestly got tired of waiting after a year had passed, but hearing Michael's voice on the phone always got me to change my mind.

With that being said, today, I'm going to set the record straight. I have to let Carlos know the truth. When I'm kissing Carlos, I'm thinking about Michael. If that's not a sign, I honestly don't know what is. I feel like a horrible person, but I know what my heart wants now.

As I finish getting ready, my house phone rings. I place my brush on the table and pick up the phone. "Hello?" I answered.

"Oh good, you haven't left yet," I recognized Carlos' voice. "Why don't we meet up at that little bakery you like?"

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