Chapter 34

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About five months had passed since Michael and Luciana had last spoken to or seen each other.  Luciana had attended CD signings and charity events as her singing career began to take off. Luciana received calls from different people requesting for her to open for other artists. Luciana was more than happy to have received such offers and made the decision to hold auditions for singers and dancers.

Luciana and her previously hired manager as well as her older cousin, Raquel Alvarez, sat behind a table and called in the people behind the doors one by one. "Number one?" Luciana called.

A tall, Hispanic man with brown eyes entered the room with a smile on his face. Luciana turned to Raquel with her eyebrows raised flirtatiously. Raquel giggled and shook her head. "Hi. What's your name, honey?" Raquel looked over her glasses.

"My name is Carlos Rodriguez."

Luciana smiled. "Hello Carlos. Tell me a little bit about yourself."

"Well, I'm from Chicago and I'm 28 years of age. I've been singing since I was about 6 or 7 years old. It's been a passion of mine for a while now. I love your music and I'd be honored to sing for you."

"Sounds great. What will you be singing?"

"Angel, by Aerosmith."

"Hey, one of my favorites. Let's see what you got, Rodriguez."

Carlos closed his eyes and folded his trembling hands together.

'I'm alone

Yeah I don't know if I can face the night

I'm in tears

And the crying that I do is for you

"I like him," Luciana whispered. "Put a check by his name, Rocky."

After another minute of hearing Carlos sing, Raquel clicked her pen and held one hand in the air. "Thank you."

"Thank you for your time." Carlos walked away with a look of worry on his face.

Luciana couldn't swipe the grin from her face. Raquel laughed. "You okay, Santiago?"

"Yeah. I mean, I really like this guy. Did you hear that voice? He's perfect."

"Don't get too caught up. He's only the first audition. Someone might be able to out show the guy."

"I know, I know. Let's call in the next person in line."

"Number two!"

After finishing over 70 auditions, Luciana decided she was finished and started debating on her final decisions with Raquel. Luciana's phone began to ring as she rushed to the counter to answer. "Excuse me, Raquel. Hello?"

"Hey Luce," a male voice spoke said in a perky tone.

"Michael? You sound happy."

"I am. I have some important new to tell you."


"Before I forget, I meant to congratulate you on your album release. Your success is remarkable."

"Thanks. I appreciate it. We should talk it about it later, though. Now you have me anxious about this news."

He laughed. "Do you remember Debbie?"

"Debbie who?"

"Debbie Rowe, my nurse. You met her a while back."

"Right. What about her?"

"She agreed to have my children. I'm going to be a father."

"What? You mean, she's pregnant?!"

"Yes ma'am."

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