Chapter 33

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February 1996

Luciana was inside of Los Angeles Film Center's dance studio with the door locked. She spun in circular motions catching her breath within every turn. After she'd ran out of breath, she sat down against the large mirror behind her. She jumped as she heard a hard banging on the door.

"Just a second!"

Luciana got up and ran to open the door. Standing in front of her was Vincent with a smile on his face with a phone in hand. "It's for you." He handed Luciana the telephone and closed the door behind him.

"Luciana speaking."

"Hey Luce. It's me."

"Oh! Hey Michael. What's up?"

"I have a personal request. How busy are you this weekend?"

"I have a small break this week. Why?"

"Well, I was just going to be heading somewhere soon. I was just calling to let you know just in case you tried to get a hold of me while I was away."

"There's something you want me to do for you?"

"I'm getting to that. I have a quick question for you. Have you ever been to Brazil? I've never really gotten to explore the area much."

"Nope. I've always wanted to go."

"I'm shooting a short film for They Don't Care About Us in Rio De Janeiro starting this weekend."

"Wow. That sounds really cool. Did-"

"I want you to come along with me."


"Yes, but only if you wa-"

"Yes!! Why do you always make it sound like you're going to say the opposite of what you mean?"

Michael chuckled. "I just love teasing you."

Luciana blushed and let out a small giggle. "What day are we flying?"

"Friday. I'll pick you up around 6 a.m."

"Sounds great! I'll be ready. Thanks for inviting me."

"Of course."

"Did you need to speak to me about anything else?"

"Well, now that we're on the phone, why don't we catch up a little bit? When is the release date for your album?"

"March 15th. I'm super excited."

"I'm definitely going to purchase it."

"Luciana giggled. "Michael, you don't have to-"

"Yes I do. I want to. I have to see what you and your marvelous mind came up with."

"Aww, stop," she laughed. "I don't think I've ever had the chance to tell you that I've purchased your HIStory album."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. I had to," she giggled. "I love it, and the concept. Past, present, and future. In your newer songs, you really expressed yourself. You were hurting. I could tell."

"It's not hard for you and I to see more than what others see."

"Michael Jackson, I've been able to read you like an open book since day one."

Michael giggled. "Same with you. That being said, I know you're someone I can trust. Thank you."

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