Chapter 36

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September 6, 1996

Luciana began to spend most of her time in the studio and on stage. She was really starting to figure out Michael's lifestyle more and more each day almost as if she was living it herself. She couldn't go out in public like she used to, even to do the simple things such as buying her morning coffee. Every time she'd turned her head, there was a flashing camera light.

Having bared more stress than she felt she could handle, she flew to Czech Republic, Prague for Michael's first performance for the HIStory tour. He wasn't expecting her, and she wasn't looking to be noticed by him. She felt a feeling of relief and relaxation whenever she watched him perform. She was excited to see what he came up with.

She sat in her hotel room with her coffee in hand as she stared off into her window.  She jumped at the sound of her phone ringing and rushed to pick it up.

"Luciana speaking."

"Hey sis. It's Dalani."

"Hey Lani.  How are you?"

"I'm fine. Just checking in on you. How was the flight? "

"It was wonderful. The sleep I accomplished in first class felt amazing."

"That's good. You sound relaxed."

"I am. It's just a breath of fresh air, you know? I love what I do and I love my fans. But I've not only come here to relieve stress but to be inspired too. Despite my feelings for him, he was my teacher. He's taught me so much about my own self that I didn't even know. Before I just denied, denied, denied. I've learned so much from him and not only progressed as a person, but as a performer."

"Aww, I'm so proud of you. You've really matured."

"Thanks Dalani. I'm going to let you go now."

"Alright. Have a nice time!"

Luciana laughed. "I'll try. Talk to you later."

September 7th

Luciana arrived at the field a couple of hours earlier to avoid the crowd later on. A couple of security guards recognized who she was and showed her a way to get in with avoidance of fans and chaos.

"Thank you. In that case, I'll be back later."

Luciana wrapped her scarf around her neck and walked back to her car. She sat for a moment and sighed. She pounded her wheel with her first. "This headache is killing me."

She drove back to her hotel room and lied across the couch with her camera in hand. She ran her hands through her thick wavy hair and pressed record.

"Today is September 7th. Right now, I am currently staying in Prague for two days. I'm going to see Michael perform today.  I have a ridiculous headache, but I think I can manage for now. I'm going to take some medicine before I leave. But anyway, I'm excited. I'm looking forward to tonight."

11 p.m.

Luciana woke up and removed all of the pillows from the couch to find the clock. She looked at the clock in the upper right corner of the wall. "I missed it?!" She folded both her arms and and rested her back up against the wall. "Those damn pills must've made me drowsy. So much for my trip here."

Luciana jumped as her phone rang. She walked slowly to pick it up. "Hello?" She spoke in a lifeless tone.


Luciana's mood instantly changed as she recognized the person's voice on the phone. "Michael?"

"Yeah. I called to see if you were alright."

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