Chapter 28

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Luciana was coming close to full recovery. Even with strain in her arm, she was confident in filming her first music video. She'd been working over her music with Vincent, and after her recording sessions, he says that she's ready. Luciana had been seeing a therapist every now and then. Her therapist was helping her deal with depression and unhealthy habits she was growing. It was challenging for Luciana, but she was determined to get her life back on track.

 Luciana was working on her short film at Los Angeles Center Studios. Her wardrobe stylist, Monica Valentine, began working with her trying to get an idea of the outfits Luciana wanted to wear. "So, my love, tell me what you're looking for." Luciana stood on the tip of her toes, full of excitement.

"Well Monica, I've been going through a lot. I think I deserve to feel sexy."

"Ah, I see. Give me an idea on what your definition of sexy is."

"I'm thinking.." she placed her finger on her chin. "Not too much body showing. But I want it to embrace that I am proud of my body, and that I can still show it off a little, you know?"

"Fantastic! I can work with that. I'll bring in some outfits tomorrow and you can tell me what you like."

"Sounds magnífico! Thanks, Monica."

"It's what I'm here for!"

Vincent walked into the studio. Luciana turned and immediately grew excited. "Vinny!" She ran to him as he picked her up and spun her.

"Lucy! You look great."

"Thanks! You know I just really want to thank you for all of this. You're a lyric genius. I mean co-writing with you was one of the best experiences of my life. I feel like this song's going to be a hit."

"I know it is. Don't give me all the credit, you work hard on your lyrics. I see your passion must be growing, because you've improved."



"Yes! I'm glad you told me that. It means a lot coming from you."

"Sure thing, sugar. Any auditions coming up?"

"I've got a couple of phone calls. I hope I'll be able to make the auditions, though. I'm fully committed to what I've been working on, and I don't want to start slacking."

"Well, think of this as a role. You're acting in this video."

"Yes! That's what I love about it. I think the lines are going to help bring it to life. I'm excited about the choreography."

"I love seeing you so happy, Luce."

"I'm doing what I love, and this is where my focus is. My dreams are finally becoming true."


Michael laid down in his bed, silently. Lisa stood by his side and took a deep breath. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine."

"You don't seem like it."

"Where are the kids?"

"They're outside. Don't change the subject. I know you're lying to me."

"Lying about what, Lisa?"

"You're always brushing it off when I ask you how you're feeling. I need you to talk to me."

"Lisa, please."

"What have you eaten today?"

Michael ignored her question and closed his eyes. Lisa rolled her eyes and got off the bed. She walked into the kitchen and was stunned by what she saw on the sink. "Pain killers? Damn it, Michael." Lisa worried about Michael. She was terrified that things like that would put their relationship at stake. Despite her thoughts, she was determined to try and make their marriage last.

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